Sunday, January 6, 2008

Sunday- January 6th.

Right now, it's 1:46PM. I'm listening to the Juno soundtrack (which I pretty much already knew the words to).
Probably my favorite soundtrack ever, just ever.
It's mostly all indie, and children's songs, with the exception of Velvet Underground, and Sonic Youth.

I woke up a while ago, I slept amazingly.
Still tired really.
So, I planned on submitting one of my short stories to this short story contest I saw- but the contest ends tomorrow. So, next time.

I have a bunch of short stories just sitting around on the computer.
Some of them incredibly shitty, some of them pretty good. Mostly because I always write, and I don't mean that in an egocentric way, I just mean I always write. So obviously some are gonna be pretty shitty, and some might be good.

Oh well.

Well, there isn't much to talk about right now, hopefully go up and see Juno with Christina soon- or ever.
That'd be nice.

God I'm bored.

- Josh.

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