It's very hard to explain the brilliance of this film without you seeing it first. It seems like a paradox inside of itself, judged on how it's filmed, and how it ends- and casually this would come off as odd, and unpleasant but within this film it only makes it that more interesting.
The story is rather auto-biographical, it's about two people in one city who just can't seem to find anyone. Eventually (I won't explain how, that's left to you) they DO find each other, but as an unassuming experiment they don't speak to each other for a lengthy amount of the film, and no it's not a silent fucking film, it's just... Well, I still think there are no words to describe it without seeing it, but I had to put something in here.
The score is amazing, it brings even more life into this movie. Wonderful post-rock sounding ballads and some odd techno-house-electronica going on.
It feels like the entire story is just a documentary- based on how lived-in and real the writing is. All of it feels very real, and truthful, and tragic.
One of the most redeeming qualities of this film is how real it actually is. It was written, directed and produced by Arin Crumley and Susan Buice, a couple from NY (I don't believe it is actually stated as NY, but it's my best guess based on the scenery) and how they met and got together. While the film ends, you can still see them being a REAL couple, bickering and complaining to each other and acting like a normal couple with normal problems, and questions.
While this film is VERY well done, and these two poured their entire lives into this- it's not for everyone. It's an amazing film that speaks straight to the heart about the emotional problems of life, loneliness, love, and everything in between- but don't watch this if you're expecting a funny guy to pop up in the background and make a dick and fart joke- that being said- it's an amazing gem in this great world of tragedy and truth.
Wanna know the best part?
It's free. You can watch it on Youtube by following the link below:
Usually I'd just post the video- but I think you need to watch it and leave comments, ratings, and favorite it. I recommend you ALL to go and check this out when you have 71 mins. to spare to sit in front of your computer and get the fuck off of myspace. If you watch it and like it then I URGE YOU TO BUY THE DVD AND SUPPORT THE FILM.
My score: 9.0/10
Thanks - Josh.
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