Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Some poems, and stuff.

These are just an assortment of poems and stuff off of the top of my head, not very well thought out stuff, very childish in fact.

I Love You

Hello, I love you
You should really know it's true
The sun won't shine
The crowds won't dine
The wind won't blow
no one will know
The only reason
for such an odd, odd season
is because I love you



See the people wearing white and black
Years from now won't cut each other slack
So why don't we all just sit back
And watch their lives unfold in front of our pack


One day

If you had one day left
Would you waste in bed?
Or would you go outside
Knowing in less than a day you'd be dead
I think you'd make the right choice
because after all is done and said
one thing will be left
the wonder of why you spent your last fucking day in bed



Marching towards a battle
no win
no loss
just lives at cost
so we'll swing our guns over our shoulders
and jump from the boulders
so from this moment on
remember we're doomed from daughter to son


See, nothing too good.
- Josh.

1 comment:

Josh Bennett. said...

Get AIDS Matt, get AIDS.