Monday, March 10, 2008

The Downfall Of Josh.

Good day Silencenauts.
I am back from the metaphorical grave.

Right now, it's 11:15 AM.
I just got my cable and internet hooked back up, phone should be up tomorrow.
It was a week alright, a boring, depressing, family-filled week.
Holy fuck do I have a lot to talk about, some of it happened BEFORE the stuff was internet was down, goddamn.
Where to start...

So, LAST saturday (not the 8th, the 1st) someone came by and said we needed our phone lines in our house replaced, and it could take up to a week. This was fine, but I'd have no way of communicating with the outside world other than the internet. It didn't take as long as he had expected and he was done on either Monday or Tuesday (whatever day the Ice Storm took place) and so I had phone that day.

WELL, I was on the phone with Sam when the power went out for a half second or so. That was enough to make the grandmother freak out though. She went down to the basement, got the Kerosene lanterns, and flashlights.

I got back on the phone with Sam for another 30 mins or so, then the power went out.

I was downstairs on the couch when it happened.
My basement was 100% pitch black. I went upstairs (carefully) and sat around listening to my iPod until 3Am and went to bed.

I woke up around 8AM and the power was still out, around 11 or so it came back on- but NO INTERNET, CABLE or PHONE.

I was pissed.

So, a few days go by without my modern conveniences -

Boredom, boredom, boredom.

Lots of catching up on DVD's I'd forgotten I own, and listening to some old cd's of mine- notably:

The Good The Bad & The Queen
Prize Fighter Inferno
Gorillaz (I like em)

I was basically lazier than ever during the point in which my internet and phone was down.

Eventually my grandmother's friend (who had everything working) loaned me her phone (Josh = broke) so I had contact again!!!

I hung out a bit with Cam a few days, Fred on another, Mike a few times, Sam once or twice- otherwise... Just laying around watching movies.

Here's a bit of the list of movies I watched o'er my hiatus:

Kill Bill vol.'s 1 + 2 (I hadn't seen them in so fucking long, it was awesome)
40 Yr. Old Virgin (cute)
Superbad (Fuck my life)
Little Miss Sunshine (woo!)
War OF The Worlds (meh)

and a few others.

Well, I'm glad to be back.

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