Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Pretty solid.

Good afternoon readers/friends,

I hope you're doing swell.
I'm feeling rather content myself, listening to Minor Threat's Complete Discography.
Seminal punk rock album, up there as one of the best.

There was SOMETHING on my mind, but it's a hard point for me to argue/bitch about, but... I think I'll find a way.

People who HAVE to be in a relationship.

Of course all love feeling wanted and cared about, and loved- but all the time?

I got out of a seven month relationship to Christina (to which her and I are friends now, I'd say) and I dig being single again. I don't really want a relationship, I'm having fun just chilling out. It's not like I'm going out and having sex with random girls either- I just dig not having any bearings to the world.

In my mind (that confusing fucked up thing) I think you should be able to be your own best friend, I mean- when you're lonely and depressed and no one is around... who's there? yourself. If you can make yourself your own best friend then you'll never be alone. You can do whatever you want, you'll never need anyone to make you happy. Maybe it's just me, but it's how I see it.

If you feel otherwise- I completely understand, but I think if you can be happy with yourself, then you'll never NEED anyone else to be with you, you can walk completely alone and know that it doesn't matter what other people think, because you have something they don't- the solidarity to walk alone.

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