Tuesday, April 8, 2008


Good evening dear readers (yes you),

I hope everything is swell over on your end.
Today was alright, hung with my good friend Nick Frendak for a bit- lent him a few CD's to listen to.
After that- I ran into Cameron.

We were walking along this white sidewalk in our town (it kind of stretches from one end of town to the other) and we were walking along the park and there are these baseball fields in the park. We were walking by the smallest field (where the little kids practice), and we heard this asshole coach (vandyke beard, wrap around sunglasses, and backwards flex fit hat, THE ENTIRE MACHO FUCK OUTFIT) yelling at these kids to keep running laps, Cameron and I stood and watched for a good ten minutes while the kids ran at least 20 laps, while Coach Dumbfuck yelled at him. Cameron said something and we got a dirty look.

I yelled out "You're kids COULD become well rounded individuals, but screw that- let's play baseball!", and we kept walking. We met up with Justin and walked around the park again, to where the little kids practice was, just to see the coaches yell at the kids again.

I eventually came home- and there is something on my mind.

Those coaches who coach little kids only coach because they are the true failures. They yell and make these little kids play their dumb little game because they were failures and they never made it- so fuck it, I'll take it out on little kids.

I feel that same way for ANY coach who verbally abuses a child into running laps, or works them too hard.

FUCK YOU- those kids aren't your failure sticks.
You can't force a little kid to be a winner, because you're a failure.

They work those poor kids hard because that's what their dad did- well... APPARENTLY IT DIDN'T WORK- OTHERWISE YOU WOULDN'T BE SCREAMING AT YOUR FUCKING KID TO DO ANOTHER GODDAMN LAP.

Learn to raise your fucking kids.

- Josh


Anonymous said...

i fucking hate coaches like that.
they dont deserve to be coaching. seriously.

Josh Bennett. said...

We are agreed then.