Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Don't mess with the Jesus

Casually, I could care less what one person thinks, not in a rude sense... just in the sense that we all have our ideas, and no two people are exactly the same, but there is one group of people that should be disallowed from believing what they wish.

I have no problem with faithful, and religious people... but I have a problem with "preachy" people... those people are casually (but not always) teenagers who were converted to Christianity by a friend... and then they feel high and mighty, which gives them the right to preach to everyone, and throw in their two cents every possible moment.

Well yesterday I was with Mike Kochman, and Cameron at the park when Mike's little sister (even though her and I are the same age), Kara showed up... and I'd had run-ins with her about religion before... because she watched a youtube video of a guy who said he experienced hell and... she fucking believed it... which... yeah, and she also belongs to the aforementioned group of "preachy" people.

Kara and her guy-friend went off to swing, so we all started making jokes and making fun of each other (like usual), and then Kara and the guy came over... and I kind of just said something to Kara, to which this conversation was sparked:

Kara: Josh Bennett, I'm not afraid of you.
(She then walks over to me, and is kinda up in my face, even though I wasn't facing her... and she's like 5'2.)
Me: Oh no! Let me pray to god about this one... God I know you're busy letting Etheopian children starve tonight... but could you come here and help Kara?
(she continues to get closer to me)
Me: I know that war, famine, and disease run rampant across the world... but please! Take a moment from ignoring them and help me, a sinner!
(She gets closer)
Me: I know that abortion is wrong, even though you allowed us to create it- so please, please help Kara before you ignore that any further!
(she gets as close as she can, Cam and Mike are literally dying in laughter)
Me: Please god, please- smite me, smite me!

She turns and walks away, but calls me a dick. She walks over to the trashcan, where directly next to it- someone dropped a coke bottle. She said "Why do people have to litter?!", to which I replied "God allowed us to create plastic, ask him.", which she attempted to counter... but failed miserably.

She threw the coke bottle at me and left.
I was (and still am) proud of myself.

If you're a religious person, congrats, you deserve it.
If you're a preachy person- fuck off.

I like faith.
I don't like what religion instills in people.

- Josh


Anonymous said...

Fuck religion liberate your mind!

Josh Bennett. said...

amen sir.