Saturday, June 14, 2008

Matt and his life purpose Pt. 1

Now my friend Matt is OFTEN mentioned on this blog, and is often mentioned in great detail as being a subject of ridicule- but sometimes (not too often), he becomes a good purpose to a blog.

We were at the park the other day, and Matt said there was no good music in the 90's, to which I disagreed... and started naming off bands... then I realized; to him, music is metal- he has no other form of music other than metal and rap (with the exception of an EITS song or two, and Cursive)... but he's allowed to think what he wants, but come on- if you're gonna view music, view it as a WHOLE- not one or two genres.

It was later on that I found out that Matt has a big part of this blog. His life purpose is to say stupid shit for me to write about.

Read the comments on a few of the blogs that include Matt and they'll say "Why is that kid so dumb?", "Haha, funny shit", or some other things that view Matt in a negative light.

Matt is a good guy, but dumber than dirt- and his purpose in this universe is to keep saying silly stuff that makes him sound retarded.

Cheers to Matt!

- Josh

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