I really wish I had sleeping pills, god knows I need them (unless you never knew about my Nyquil addiction about 6 months ago, not fun.)
Well, I woke up around 10:30 AM, my grandma had a hair appointment this morning, so I had to wake myself out of bed, something which I don't enjoy at all. Usually, I wake up in a really, really good mood; but the second anyone says a word to me I go into dickhead mode, for example:
Person: Morning.
Josh: Fuck off.
That's what happens, I just like silence. I mean I can deal with people talking to me, but I have to wake up on my own; if someone wakes me up then I can be a dick, but if I wake up on my own I'll probably be in a good mood.
Anyways, yeah I woke up. Didn't do much schoolwork (all of my teachers had this regional conference thing) so I kind of sat around. Then I got angry.
I tried logging onto my Mediafire (it's a file hosting website where I put all of my files in case I need to back them up on my computer for some reason, okay fine it's mostly all music, whatever.) Anyways- I can't log on, so I assume my Mediafire has been deleted- along with about 200 of my files, so I was a little pissed.
I got over it and called Christina for a bit. We got off the phone and I showered and shaved. I like taking baths, I know that's a little random, but I like taking baths, even though you're essentially laying in your own filth, fuck it I'm comfy.
Well, I shower and sit at my desk naked watching Twin Peaks while drying off. I finish the last episode of season one and then get dressed. Fuck I love that show... Anyways.
I go up to the falls with a book My Boring-Ass Life: The Diary Of Kevin Smith by Kevin Smith, if you don't know who he is (which first means your retarded) , heres a picture of him:

Or you may commonly know him as Silent Bob

If you didn't already know- he also writes and directs all of those movies. He's written Clerks, Mallrats, Chasing Amy, Dogma, Jay And Silent Bob Strike Back, Jersey Girl, Clerks 2, and two new movies coming out within next year. It bothers me when people don't know who he is, he's probably one of my favorite film-makers (followed closely by Quentin Tarantino, David Lynch, Frank Miller, and George A. Romero). I mean, I've just met complete idiots who just think his name is Silent Bob and that's all he is, and while some may argue that, I disagree, he writes and directs those fucking films and ignorant stoners don't know what the fuck is happening... Also, I'm such a bitch whenever someone messes up movies, I'll give you an example;
This one time Clay wanted me to write this zombie film with them, and I don't want to co-write shit, especially an amateur film, I fucking hate people who can't write without other people, and believe me man I know what the fuck I'm doing when it comes to writing- it may not come out that way with my poor editing on my blog, but I'd consider myself a good writer. Anyways- I agreed to help him but told him I wouldn't help him write it, and well that's fine because he didn't write a single word, and then he says this "we'll do it like George A. Romero, he never uses a script." Oh motherfucker, I could have went off, because I'm so nostalgic for writing, but decided that going into semantics about how well written most Romero films are, when he thinks they're improv... Goddamn, anyways, sorry.
Where was I? Oh yeah, going to the falls to meet Christina.
Well, I'm sitting up there reading the book and I read a really sad excerpt about his father dying of heart-failure and I had enough of being depressed by funny man.
Christina gets there shortly after, and we walk around for a bit. We walk to my house and hang for a bit. Then walk around town for a few hours.... And then under the bridge she starts to..
*Insert private moment here that would get me hit by Christina*
After that she leaves, and I go pick up some Mountain Dew and head home. After getting home I sit around and get yelled at for getting mud on the carpet (my bad), I watch some Law And Order: SVU before heading to bed.
Now what? I think I might listen to the rest of this Fatboy Slim CD and watch some Twin Peaks.
Love - Josh.
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