Wednesday, November 14, 2007

I'm a bad poster.

Well, today is the 14th.
It's 12:02 PM right now.
I've recently became overly-obsessed with some TV shows, god I feel like a 35 yr. old unfaithful housewife. Like, it's not even that the shows I watch have a major piece in pop-culture history or anything.
Sure I watch House, My Name Is Earl, Scrubs, Life, and some others, and while I love My Name Is Earl I feel like such a fucking woman watching every episode of ER and tearing up when a cast member leaves, or when Luca Kovac comes back to the ER. Jesus Christ, I do think television is the source of all evil in this world, but I really don't care, I'm such a geek. I watch ER, and Monk and then go to to post about the new episode, Jesus Christ, haha. But, honestly, I love the storyline of the shows, and I think they're great... But, at the same time it's a Saturday (for example) and I'm sitting in my basement watching Season 8 of ER instead of going outside... Fuck I'm lame.
Another show I'm fascinated with- Twin Peaks. Now, Twin Peaks had already started and ended by the time I was born. If you've never heard of it, it's a show that only lasted two seasons, but was FUCKING AMAZING. It was essentially about a murder in a small town, and an FBI agent comes into town to solve it, but it's so amazing, and it's way too hard to explain. I'd call it the precursor to The X-Files (another of my favorite shows).
... Anyways.

That's right.
Well, I did my schoolwork, then called my dear, dear girlfriend Christina. We talked for about a half hour, but I had a massive headache, so I got off the phone and laid down, I put some Twin Peaks on the computer screen to help me sleep. I woke up later, called Christina, and laid down on the couch and watched Reaper, and House.
Afterwards I sat around and did nothing, then headed to bed with all of my windows open, because it felt good.


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