Sunday, November 11, 2007


So, I was thinking about a few things- and thought of this, what are the top five fictional TV characters I'd like to hang out with for a day.

5. Fox Mulder from The X-Files.

What we would do:

Prove to everyone that aliens exist and the government knows.
Or maybe watch TV and feed his fish.

Where we would disagree:

He would want to get on a jet to fly to the antarctic and uncover glacier caves, and I'm just not down for that shit.

Why it would be fun:

Come on- it's Agent Fox FUCKING Mulder!!! There's never been more of an alien abducted badass (other than Tom Cruise), plus he nailed Gillian Anderson (for the X-Philes!)

How the night would end:

He'd either drop me off at home, or I'd be put into a cryogenic freezer below the surface of the world, and he'd rescue me.

4. Dr. John Carter from ER

What we would do:

Work in the ER saving patients while getting to know their life stories, and have an angst filled day that would probably end in a cliffhanger.

Where we would disagree:

He would want to perform an emergency surgery and I would struggle to maintain that common practices such as medication would mean no surgery and possible save the life of a patient.

Why we would have fun:

Because he's smart and he went to Africa to save people.

How it might end:

With a preview for next week that would claim to be the most unforgettable episode ever that you don't want to miss.

3. Adrian Monk from Monk

What we would do:

... Clean his house, sit quietly, watch him fidget. SOLVE MAJOR CASES!!!

Where we would disagree:

He wouldn't want to touch a car door because of all of the people who have died from opening a car door.

Why it would be fun:

Because he's a cool detective with an impressive Jew Fro.

How the night would end:

With him figuring out who killed a person by saying "Here's What Happened"

2. Agent Dale Cooper from Twin Peaks

What We Would Do:

Eat cherry pie, hang in the red room.

Where we would disagree:

He would be constantly reciting to me Native American folk-lore while also talking into his voice recorder.

Why it would be fun:

Because he knows who killed Laura Palmer and how to choose some good pie.

How the night would end:

Terribly, due to bad ratings in the second season.

1. Earl Hickey from My Name Is Earl

What we would do:

Hang out, solve list items, kick it at the crab shack with Randy, Catalina, Crabman, and Joy.

Where we would disagree:

He would want to give the money away to some girl who he made angry in fourth grade.

Why it would be fun:

Because he's an everyman, he'd be fun to drink with, be fun to sleep in the same bed with, you know.

How the night would end:

With him crossing something off of his list and talking to Randy right before sleep.

(I know this probably sucked, but it's the first thing I've ever really done non-journal entry wise, so give me some time to get the hang of it and get better at writing them.)


Anonymous said...

Dale Cooper likes his coffee like he likes his women, black and hot.

Josh Bennett. said...

But who doesn't?
Dog the Bounty Hunter.

Anonymous said...

haha, I understand what you mean about earl. Slightly creeped out by the fun to sleep in the same bed with though..

Josh Bennett. said...

I probably would, but knowing that it's my brother, and he stops breathing in the middle of the night is even creepier.