Saturday, January 5, 2008


Right now the time is 9:56, and I'm listening to Antsy Pants.
Some great lo-fi.
my day was kinda boring.
I sat around after I woke up.
My hardcore Christian family came in for whatever reason and we ordered up some pizza. Fun times I guess.
After that I went on a walk with Mike, we talked for a while until parting ways for the night.
Shortly after- Clay called and asked if I wanted to come over and play Rock Band, I told him no and he got pissy. I just don't really feel like sitting around playing video games with (possibly) his girlfriend, and Greg. Mind you- I have no idea if those two are over or not, I'm just guessing.
Not a big deal to me, I'm trudging into a fuck everybody mode.

I just get tired of people's shit.
Whenever I go hang with Clay, he and I are cool and he's usually pretty nice (I've said ALL of this many times), but the second someone else joins, he goes into "Let's poke fun at Josh", I don't support that shit. I'm the same around all people, and if I'm not- I just never realized. I'm just as much as a dick with three people around when there are 20 people around. I hate people who change around others.
I take a lot of shit from people, everybody- and like a coward- I never do shit about it.
Fucking weakness, I swear.

Jesus Christ I'm an attention whore, it's not on purpose, believe me; if I could knowingly stop- I really fucking would. This is my fucking blog though, I'll whore myself all I want.

OH- anyone who has been on the forums (all five of you), it MIGHT end up getting shut down and revamped for a new one. Still gotta talk with the Mike about it.

I don't have much to bitch about right now, but believe me- by the end of the night I will.

- Josh.

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