Friday, February 15, 2008


Well, if you recall my post about my teacher hating Monty Python, which you can read here, you'll have to wait a few days to read about it.

So, it's been about a week since I broke up with Christina. I'm feeling alright, which some people still haven't realized- I still get people going "aww, are you alright?", so- yes I'm good, no more asking, none.


I've half listened to some of the albums I made note to listen to, but I just really haven't been in the mood to take it all in, instead if listened to the same record about five times, and it's still amazing (Do Make Say Think - You, You're a History In Rust), it's just awesome, I love me some post-rock.

If you notice the sidebar to the right, there are three links.

Submerged In Thoughts, and Kaleidoscope Tinted Glasses are two other blogs written by some good friends of mine, I implore all of you to check them out, god knows they're more interesting than mine.

So, I hope all of you enjoyed another wonderful Hallmark holiday, myself- I sat around and talked to Devann and Amber most of the latter part until going to bed. I don't mind.

Well, I watched Lost last night, fucking wow- who saw that coming? Not in me being a geek, but in last nights Lost.
Fucking wow, that's all there is to that one.

I believe I'm off to finish this report for World Studies, so- have a day.

- Josh.

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