Sunday, March 16, 2008


Hello everyone.
It's 12:54 AM right now.

Today is St. Patricks day, a rather solemn day around my house.
Usually I'd never talk about this much... but, I kind of want to.

St. Patrick's day 2000- my uncle committed suicide by hanging himself.
He was 28 or so at the time.
At the time he was holding down a job at a local prison as a guard, he left behind a wife and a son.

I never REALLY knew him that well, I was little (10) when he died.
... it's not easy for my family though- especially my grandmother, with whom I live with (along with my grandfather).

Sorry if this post is bumming you guys out, really- but I never claimed to have a lighthearted blog, devoted to making you guys laugh.

It was weird and I think him dying was a turning point in my life- which is kind of helped me turn out to be who I am becoming.

At the time of his death, I wasn't really sad- I mean of course I felt remorse, a relative of mine had just died- but I was little, and like I said- I never really knew him.

I've been TRYING to sway from being egocentric and self-righteous here... but I think that I'm an odd person to find. I can't really say that there are many people like me- if so, and you're reading this- I'd love to meet you... but I think that I'm a little different than most people, which I dig.

The biggest reason to explain who I am- is because of the things that have happened to me in my life, in no way am I saying that I've had a viciously hard life, but... I've been through my own stuff, just as you all have.

1. The moment I realized I could talk my way out of ALMOST any situation.

2. The moment I realized it's easier to be nice to those who don't know you, and let them find out who you are the hard way.

3. The second I stopped believing in religion.

4. When I realized we're all fucked.

5. When I found out I would do what I'm best at, and fuck the rest.

6. Why and when I became, and learned to be my best friend.


enough of my self-righteous drab.

Let's heard from you!!!

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