Monday, May 12, 2008

Blind Moving

Good afternoon all.
It's 3:56 PM and I'm sitting here listening to Gnarls Barkley.

I'm feeling a bit down today.
Just a multitude of things building up in my head.

The worst one is by far how many of the people in my life are changing right in front of me, and there isn't shit I can do to sway them.

I think it affects me because I've been the same person for quite a while.
I know it's their life, and it's none of my business, but I hate the idea of someone changing into something worse, and I'm a terrible person- I can see when someone else is being terrible.

One of my friends snorted Vicodin the other night, and they said it's the greatest feeling in the universe. I was actually spiked to try it again, but- then I realized that it's a very silly thing to do.

Fuck it though.

All of my friends are doing exactly what I thought they would.

Moving on to do "their own thing", whatever that may be, and probably exhuming themselves from me.

Oh well.

I still got the Frizz, Clay, and the Daan though.

- Josh

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