Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Shining here.

Good morning folks,

It's 9:07 AM here, and I'm chilling out- listening to The Slackers; which I never really liked, but it turns out I just never really gave them a chance.

Ah yesterday.

It was... well, I'll give you the headlines (in a time oriented order):

3:00 PM - Left the house and I saw Sam driving by, she picked me up and dropped me off at the park as Nolan was pulling in with his truck.

5:00 PM - Charlee showed up, and we talked for a bit.

5:30 - Charlee, Charlie, Cameron, and I- walked to Circle K; when Chris Wallum showed up.

7:00 PM - I decided to pull the best prank EVER.

For some reason, everyone was just throwing rocks. Charlie and Chris were in the skatepark, and they were bitching (which I was one of the only ones not really throwing rocks).

Well- here's what happened:

Dom: Fuck you Bennett!
Cam: Yeah, fuck you!
Me: Hey- Dom can make fun of me, you can't!
Cam: Why? Because he's black?!
Me: No, because he doesn't suck at life (kiddish, I know, I did it on purpose).
Cam: Well, at least I'm not a dropout! (referring to ECOT being the dropouts last chance to graduate).
Me: What the fuck?! Fuck you!

And I stormed away. EVERYONE thought I was serious. Everyone thought I was boiling with rage, and pissed off. It was GREAT. A few even came up and asked if everything was cool, god it was fantastic.

Well, I get home and I IM Cameron and just say "That was the best prank... EVER", he was surprised I wasn't pissed, fuck it was great.

I can't do those pranks too often though, or get the rage I had in my body like that.
It was fantastic.

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