Sunday, May 25, 2008

Something seriously wrong with this town

I've always dug living in Newton Falls, it's just always seemed like a cool little place to raise a family.
Whenever I was moved away from Newton Falls (Florida, Georgia, Arizona) I craved living back there.
Now that I'm living here... I've finally noticed that this is a horrible, wretched, terrible town.

The people are useless and rude, more often than not.
The stereotypes that barrage this town are more provocative than "Catcher In The Rye".

We have black kids who deal drugs and get in trouble with cops.
Mexicans who drive low-riders.
Middle-Eastern people who own a convenience store.
White people who are racist and hunt.
Asian kids who sit around and play video games.

This town is every terrible Hollywood B-movie since 1975.

None of those stereotypes can make up for what I saw yesterday.
I was sitting at the skate park with Selena, Georgianne, Katie, Matt, and Mike when Matt told me to look over to the side of the mini.

I looked and saw someone (that I know) with a little baggy of brown powder, (presumably Heroin or a crushed up pill)... It wasn't THAT bothersome... as much as when I heard the guy snort it.

I looked this time, while he did another line.


It bothered me to see that shit going down 30 feet away from a playground where kids were playing.
How could I have been so ignorant all this time.
How fucking dumb could I be to never really notice the impact it was making.

It's fucktards like that, and people who smoke pot at the park that are making this town a piece of shit.
At least do it in the comfort of your home, but on a skate park ramp?!

What the fuck!?

I just want to get out of here.

- Josh.

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