Sunday, June 15, 2008

Feelin' bad

Well, I'm feeling kinda down.
I've kinda been lingering on the thoughts of what happened last night (read previous blog entry if you're wondering). I know it happens, but... eh, I still feel pretty terrible that they had to clean up after my vomiting ass.

I was talking to Dillion, and he said that they were gonna put me downstairs in the dog cage (which I probably wouldn't have cared), but Monica wouldn't let them near me.

Which I thought was actually pretty sweet.

That's never really happened, haha. Most times when I get fucked up EVERYONE was in on fucking with me, I don't know- kind of cool that she noted how fucked up I was.

I'm still not COMPLETELY sure what I feel so bad about, I think I'm more ashamed that I got that fucked up, puked my brains out at George's.

Pacing is a bitch.

- Josh.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Josh Josh Josh. First off, I will give you some more details of the night. After we started drinking the wine, George and Joe went down to Jims to get the Whiskey. and you and I stayed there and just chilled. When they got back is I think when DK got there. Then Karl called me asking me to come over, told him I was already sloppy at georges so he ended up bringing his remaining beer and coming over. After that I really coul
dn't tell you much. We opened another bottle of wine and I got realllllly drunk. After a while Karl left and Joe comes and tells me that you broke the whiskey bottle in the drive way and puked in the sink. Joe cleaned up the drive way and I cleaned up the puke. Then thats when they wanted to put you in the dog crate, and I stopped them. I made sure your wallet was safe. and that no one touched you. You laid on the couch down stairs for most of the night. Then at like 640 you stumbled upstairs and ended up on his living room couch.

You see, you have ABSOUTLEY nothing to feel bad about, and I will tell you why. I have been wasted at parties wayy more times than you have (im assuming) and I have been in your situation so many times. Try getting wasted and puking at someones house you don't know and not being able to find the friend you came with....not fun. Everyone has puked at least once from drinking (George puked last night also, he just did it in the toilet.) Honestly, don't feel bad about anything. you will learn after hanging out with me more, that when im with a group of people, i take on the "mom" role. It's just what I do. When I heard you had been puking I instantly sobered up just cause my mind went in to such mom mode.

Honestly, I will never feel bad about cleaning up someones puke. I have done it so many times. I just think its the right thing to do. Plus, it always makes me think of a time that i puked in my friends car and got it alllll over the side of the car and a little bit in the inside 10 min before she had to go to work and she ended up cleaning it allll up for me. IDK.

Basically what I'm getting at, is that I don't understand why you feel bad. Everyone has been where you are once or twice or ten times. Some people (myself included) have been worse places. You had fun the whole time until well, you woke up feeling like shit. Guess what, not all good times can be free. There has to be some price to pay, and a lot of times that price is waking up with a tummy ache, a headache and puke in your mouth.

But I am going to warn you, it can be ruff it you don't have someone there like my self to keep the bullies off of you. =p

But yeah, you have nothing to worry about, everything is cool. Don't let one bad drinkin experience ruin any future ones you might have.
