Tuesday, June 24, 2008


Right now... it's 6:56 PM here... and I feel like shit.

If anyone knows (or remembers) my car crash last year with Cameron- well, it knocked out a molar on the right side of my mouth, when we crashed, my head was turned to the right when we crashed and flew forward- it knocked that tooth out.

Well, I had to occasional pain, and not being able to use that side of my mouth... but it was fine.

Then earlier today... out of nowhere I just got an immense amount of pain emanating from the area of my mouth.

The pains'' been getting worse- so my best speculation is that it's an infection of some type- but penicillin should help it clear straight up.

I'm going to the doctors' tomorrow... but tonight is going to be a major fucking bitch.

With the pain I got, it's been giving me a headache (as one would suppose)... so I'm kinda suffering through the day.

I got Orajel, and Advil to hopefully make help me through the night.

This is some intense pain for me. It's been quite a while- the carwreck didn't even hurt as much as this weird gum/tooth infection.

I'd really enjoy some Nyquil right now...

- Josh

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

im alergic to penicillin
