I woke up this morning, and did some schoolwork, my daily thing.
After that I posted the following image on Myspace, and thought very little about it (you might need to click and enlarge it to read it) at the time.

Funny shit, right?
WELL, one girl didn't think so.
A few hours later, I got a reply to the bulletin from Jennifer- who: hates me, and is one of Christina's (the ex) best friends.
The following is the message conversation we had:
Me: (Funny Christ Image)
Her: wow Josh.
Me: yes?
Her: why are you like that?
Me: I've never supported Christianity.
Not my thing, I didn't make the image, I just found it funny and figured I'd post it.
Her:what if some people don't think it's funny?
wow. i don't even know how Christina put up with you.
(question) what if some people don't think it's funny?
Well, I just think enlightenment is more important than what people find funny. I find the truth to be enlightening, if you don't like it- well I can't say anything except- don't look at the bulletin. I'm not trying to make a point to people, nor to offend people- I'm trying to make people think.
Think about everything, question everything.
(statement)wow. i don't even know how Christina put up with you.
Nor do i.
Her: thanks for the hot tip Quincy.
Me: Anytime.
Now, I want to address one of my most basic concerns with society; the truth in which that funny little image beholds. It's fucking honest!!! If you Christians really believe that Zombie Christ came here and makes us eat his flesh, then Kudos to you, but personally- I think it is complete and utter bullshit. Usually I'll never rail on about religion, and how inconsistent and hypocritical Christianity is, but when people fall in line like sheep it pisses me off. When you give yourself over to a religion, and commit yourself wholeheartedly towards it- I believe you have lost the will to think. When you start believe in one idea you are closing your mind to the universe around you, and saying "Hey fuck you, I believe in Zombie Christ".
We as people- are the stupidest, most easily led, the fattest (I don't exclude myself there), and often times to most ignorant kind that the universe has ever seen.
If you really believe in Christ, then why don't you believe in Dinosaurs?
Seriously- it's just as fucking plausible, and at least we have proof of those!
Maybe I should clarify how I feel- I feel that Christ DID exist, but he wasn't any messiah. He was just some old drunk nut-job that could have been the worlds first con artist. I don't believe in idolization, in any sense, I believe you should always think, and always think about possibilities, but Christianity doesn't allow possibilities, it tells you (depending on YOUR interpretation) what to do, but I feel like we should make up our own minds.
I believe in God, I believe in Karma, but I DON'T believe in religion, though Karma is a Buddhist way of thought I still see Buddhism as more of a way of life than a religion.
ANYWAYS, continuing with the day.
After that little argument I called Christina, told her about what happened, and ended up getting in a fight with her, because she thinks I should tell people the answer to every little question they ask (someone asked what OBEY was and I felt like the only way they could understand OBEY is if they read it themselves, and realized WHAT it actually is, and what it meant, instead of asking someone- because OBEY can be interpreted, and I don't want to instill my interpretation on someone else unless they already have a pretty solid opinion), she eventually ended up telling me she was getting pissed and got off the phone with me.
A while later- Fred called, and he was on his way over. He gave me an HOPE Obama poster (Designed by the great Shepherd Fairey), and we called Kara. We went over to her pad, and she got into a fight with her brother, Mike (Submerged in Thoughts, to the right). Kara, Fred, and I went out to the mall, and then just around to random other places.
We hit up some Perkins at 9 or so, and then walked over to Wal-Mart to burn some of those calories off. We're having fun and stuff, and this odd, odd fellow comes up while I'm wearing a pink baseball helmet and just talks for like ten minutes. I go off while the guy is still talking to Kara and Fred to just walk around. I come back 20 minutes later and he is still fucking talking to them. We all stand there and talk about stuff for another 15 minutes, and then we bail on the fellow.
We end up leaving around 11:40 for home, and I don't talk on the entire ride home (making them think I was somehow angry), I get home- watch some Monk, eat a piece of Pizza- and now here I sit.
So, that was MY day, how was yours?
- Josh.
Here's an idea...don't talk about religion? especially in a place largely dominated by Christians.
I don't care. Just saying,you're practically shoving it down your readers throats.
Haha, I hardly mention it, so I figure why not give it a shot.
I've just had my bad experiences with Christianity, and I'm only basing this blog from the experiences I've had, so it may seem A LITTLE unfair, but when you say "A place largely dominated by Christians", to what do you refer? The world? The interweb? Get back to me on that :)
I don't find that to be a true statement at all.
America is quite diverse, and if I don't express my feelings towards Christianity then I don't really know the point.
I'm only saying how I feel about it, you may be correct about Christianity being quite Americanized, but there is also tons of other religions that make up the country.
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