I'm re-writing the bible.
I'm doing EVERY book of the bible, and it'll just be summaries- nothing huge and extensive, probably paragraph or two at most.
Setting it in modern day, including sex scenes, gun fights, super-heroes, gangsters, polar bears, and Al Gore.
Still not sure how often they'll be posted (pending me NOT being deleted from Blogger for it), but enjoy.
Book One, Genesis:
So in the beginning there was this intense motherfucker named God, his homies called him G though. He would fuck bitches up left and right. He was rolling in the money so much- he wanted to build himself an entire compound, make it as big as fucking planet, hire Cubans to take care of it- fucking intense motherfucking shit. G made it all pretty and shit. Then he had two of his niggs come down from South Central to chill out, but then they started stealing and eating all of his shit. G loves his fucking apples, and he wasn't gonna stand for that shit. So G started being an major asshole, and decided to just leave the place, but leave them there to teach the bitches a lesson. It was this tight honey named Eve, and this mafiaoso motherfucker named Adam. They fucked like rabbits forever. So, big G came back one day and was like "Aight Bitches, you're staying here- but my homie Jesus is gonna be here one day to fuck you up", so- Adam and Eve kept fucking, and so did their kids. Shit was starting out REAL tight, and REALLY fucked up.
- Josh.
1 comment:
nice one. do it again, and ill be sure to damn you to hell.
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