Tuesday, October 30, 2007
Tuesday Oct. 30th.
After I woke up I called Christina then watched Are you Afraid Of The Dark? before getting bored and then just kind of sat around.
Later on Christina called back and we talked for a while. After that I watched Reaper, then House. Now, not much is happening. Probably crash soon.
So- Do You Remember?
Are You Afraid Of The Dark?
If you never watched Are You Afraid Of The Dark? and you had Nick as a child, then you are no friend of mine. The most amazing show ever I say- it was like The Twilight Zone for kids. Youtube that shit most of the episodes are there.
Rocko's Modern Life

Easily the most messed up TV show of my youth (Other than Ren and Stimpy). The show was so messed up, there was a cow named Heffer Wolfe. He was a fucking cow! And I remember one episode where he moved in with Rocko and he was snoring so Rocko fucking shocked him with a Cow prod! How fucked up is that for kids show?! Then there was an epsiode where they decided to parody To Kill A Mockingbird. Not to mention this one episode he bought this juicer and it was different and he took it anyways but it didn't do anything right... want to know the best part- it was black. Nice.
Kenan And Kel

Kenan And Kel is up there with some of my favorite shows of all time. I loved just the stupid silly nature of it, it was just pure fun and fuck it shows. Not to mention Ken Foree from Dawn Of The Dead played the dad. Fucking shweeet.
All That

This was a treasure to me, it was like SNL for children, just crude and funny, there is really nothing to say about it, because it was just great.
Scooby Doo

Not really from my generation, but my favorite TV show of all time, it will always be the greatest thing I ever saw, I swear to god.
I'm really trying to be a better person, but it's hard for me, I desperately want to be a nice person- not too nice where I'm forced to take shit from everyone- just positive, not negative like I am now. I believe in Karma, but I don't set a good example. You see- I'm the funny kid, I guess. I'm the kid people look to when someone wants to talk back to a teacher, and it's fun... But it turns you into a mortal asshole like me. I like being the funny kid, but I don't like being the mean kid, and they can't really be two different things- I'm an observational person, I observe and listen and then make my jokes or whatever from what I've heard, and that's always hurting someone. I desperately want to be a nice person who people look to for a good example, but it doesn't seem possible, now I'm all for being a good person and not doing bad things- but I'd have to give up my humor, and it might be weird to call that a gift- but Jesus Christ, god didn't bestow many other amiable traits on me, I guess I'm smart, but it's not good enough when I can't be a good person, I don't know. It's not as much as being afraid to change and being hard for me to change as much as it is me having to give up something personal that I was given. That's why I'll say this- if we're ever in public and I start being an asshole, just fucking hit me in the back of the head- not overly hard, just enough to get the point across.
How about a memory? Alright, it's depressing, be ready.
The Girl Who Died
Well, this is a story of mine that’s a little tough. I was in fourth or fifth grade (can’t really remember quite well), and this is the story of this girl who died that year…
Her first name was Jessica, I can’t remember her last name, but it’s not important.. I was at home, this was all when I lived in Georgia, and it was the Assistant Principal of my school, and asked to speak to a parent, and no one was around so I took the message, but she said she’d just call back later. Okay- cool. So, my Mom gets home and call the Assistant Principal, afterwards… She tells me that someone in my school had died, someone in my grade, she said the girl was in a vehicle and it rolled down this hill and hit a wall and the impact killed her… That’s not really what happened; She was laying on a hammock and her brother was there, but he was inside and she fell asleep and tangled her throat and face in the hammock on accident and suffocated to death, that’s some shit- death by hammock, it was sad, very, very sad.
The next day at school, of course we didn’t have any class, we were all in a classroom and talked about how we felt and it was all very sad. After that day, no one really said much about her. It’s sad that I can’t do justice to this poor girls memory, but this is really all I remember. I knew her, but only as well as a fourth or fifth grader knows any fourth or fifth grade member. It doesn’t haunt me, but it has a place in my heart that this poor girl died. She died from a hammock, a simple foundation of string or possibly hemp.
Think of the things she never experienced in her life; Marriage, prom, children, family, a husband (or wife respectably).
Monday, October 29, 2007
Monday Oct. 29th.
I woke up around 10:oo AM and do school work, but write for a bit around 12. Afterwards I begin to watch "The TV Set" starring David Duchovny, I get bored and just stop after a bit. Afterwards I'm sitting down drawing- it's about 4 or so- Christina calls, says she'll be in town and we make plans to meet. Well, I was laying around thinking I had time to get dressed- she calls, says she's in so I just throw on some clothes and go up there looking like shit.
We meet up and hang for a bit then head to my house, she reads some of my blog updates that she missed since her internet has been down. Well, something happens and she begins to cry, and it's no ones fault really, but we won't mention that.
At about 7 we're watching "Californication" and her dad calls to tell her he's on his way to come pick her up.
I walk her up and her dad picks her up, I head home... Now here I am.
That was a pretty bad blog.
Sunday Oct. 28th.
If you read my previous post it was a memory, and I recommend reading it if you haven't, not only because I wrote it, but because I'll be posting memory blogs alot more, I don't know, most people have a vague clue who I am, but no real emphasis on me, and it's mostly because of this- I have a real hard problem talking about my past, but if I write it on a blog, or anything of that nature, I'm getting these emotions out (which is a good thing) and I feel like I'm also destroying certain aspects of my life in a good way- I'm destroying that barrier that let's me stay in touch with myself and the world around me. Honestly, I'll be updating my day-to-day boringness, but I'll probably be posting rather consistently as well as inconsistently with the amount of blogs I post. One day I might just update my day-to-day journal, other days I might have 5 random blogs saying how much I love waffles, I have no idea how often/many times I'll be posting. Anyways- here's Sunday:
Woke up around 1PM or so, sat around for a while, watched some "X-Files" then on to some "Californication", Christina calls, we get into a fight because I'm Pro-Choice, and she is Pro-Life, it's her decision but I still remain that it is a womans body and it is her business what she does with it, and then she insists that since I am Pro-Choice means I approve of murder (which I do not) so we slowly make up and end the call of course no matter how angry we get the call always ends with "I love you".
Afterwards I eat dinner with the family and then head to the park- because it is cold outside, obviously no one is out there- except for Matt (D.) and Tommy (Lemasters) Of course you don't know who I'm talking about probably- anyways. So, we are standing there in the skatepark and notice this couple and immediatly begin to rag on them of course- because we are alone.
So the guy and female in question go to their car and park there. Well, Matt, Tommy, and I get in Matt's car and drive to the other side of the park and park the car directly next to their car, still making fun of them in typical guy fashion- of course they tell me to yell shit out of the window, which I DON'T. Anyways- we sit another 20 mins. or so, then leave, but before we do, we park the car so it is facing their car and turn on the high beams on them and sit for a good 30 secs. before leaving.
We bomb around a bit while Matt scares the shit out of me in his car, I retire to my home and watch some "Psycho" and some "Are you Afraid Of The Dark" before calling Christina. We set up two films to watch together on Wednesday (Day Of The Dead, and Shaun Of The Dead.) afterwards we got off the phone and I hit Showtime to watch "Dexter" and then retire to my room, ever since I've been bumming around watching between "40 Year Old Virgin" and "The Darjeeling Limited".
Expect a new post by the end of the day (monday).
Peace and love. - Josh.
Sunday, October 28, 2007
Memories: A night with Colin, James, and Charlee.
This night- it was early Spring, but the summer had already melted- I remember that vividly. I think it was May or June but I can't be sure, it had just rained, I walked to the park and saw Charlee, James, and Colin. If you don't know who they are; I'm good friends with Charlee and James, I like Colin, but we don't really hang with him.
As I was saying, it ahd just rained and I was taking a walk, and decided to walk to the park, and James, Charlee, and Colin were skating in the wet skatepark, we hung out for a bit up there, and they called these girls up and we were headed to PA, but we had to stop at Colin's which was about an hour away, and they were going to see these girls but I was dating someone at the time so I was just up for a ride and some fun. We stop at McDonalds and grab something to eat, Colin and Charlee were in Colin's car, I was with James in his Car. So we finish inside, then we find a bunch of party streamers and wash of paint in James's car from his Grad party, so we take it and stream his car and draw penis's all over it, then these girls were over and the car and yelled at us, so Charlee ran over to their car and drew a giant penis on it.
Well we do that and then we head to Charlee's house for something then to Colin's, so we take a massive hour car ride to his place and then the girls in PA cancelled so they tried Cleveland and nothing- then Columbus, still nothing. So, we say fuck it, and just decide to park James' car in Ravenna and bomb around for a few hours. So after a while of skating, we decide to just run around and avoid the police, sticking to the shadows- I'm wearing flip-flops, so anywhere I go I make a clip clop sound. So, I have to be careful, and we're running around and stuff for a long time running into cops and hiding. After a while we head to James' car and there is this ledge and I see a cop, so I get ready to hide while everyone takes spots, what I didn't see was that this ledge wasn't a ledge, it was a 20 ft. deep enclave and I also didn't notice the sign that said "Warning high voltage" until I was over the ledge and then immediately moved backwards before I fell in. It was fucking scary.
So we move James' car over by this bank and keep running around, and we decide to leave, we get to James' car... There's a cop moving this way, so James and Charlee run to hide- Colin is 18 so he doesn't give a fuck, I stand by the car hoping he doesn't pull in- he doesn't so we run and get into the car as fast as possible and notice the cop turning around seeing all of us so we drive like hell out of there.
Afterwards we stop at an all night grocery store and we stock up, James grabs one of the old person scotters with the cart in the front and drives around in it while the security guard (who looks like the dad from Family Matters) watches us. We get provisions and then drive me home.
I get at home at 2:30AM on a school night, go in- watch The Sopranos and go to bed.
Weekend In Review.
Friday- woke up around 8:30 or so, did my morning web rituals, then went to classwork. I basically sat around most of the day- then Mike and myself decided to hang out before he went to a party later on, so we walked around for a bit in the rain, hid under an awning when it got heavy, then we walked along the park and found another awning by someone's house who was for rent, just messing around I tried pushing the window up, it was open, figures no one even bothers to lock their fucking windows, we decided for the better use, we wouldn't go in. Well, then we walked around some more and then we saw two people in their car (who should remain anonymous) and they wanted Mike to buy cigarettes for him so we did that and he bought them the wrong ones but said fuck it and just walked. We walked towards the park, said our goodbyes and left, then I went home and went to sleep.
Saturday- Woke up around 1:00 by my grandmother telling me I had to help my Grandfather telling me I had to help clean out the storage unit, so we got in the van and carried so much shit (including a scythe) to the van and packed it full, afterwards we began to drive away:
Grandpa: Did you close the van doors?
Me: No, you did.
Grandpa: Don't play fucking jokes.
Me: You closed it!
So he went to look and it was closed, yeah. so, we get home and pack everything into the house that was got, then I sit around to some more "Entourage" then eat dinner with the family, after that I head over to Clay's for some Halo 3 and Guitar Hero 3 demo. We chill for a bit I win all but 1 match out of 6. So, I headed back home and sat around for a bit, there came a knock on my window- Cody, Quasar, and their friend Brandon. So we bomb around for a while then I retire to my home, call Christina and then watch Saw IV, (Which in my opinion- was alright 6/10).
As you can see, not much happens in my life, sorry. Wait till Wednesday- Halloween!
Friday, October 26, 2007
Thursday the 25th.
Woke up around 5AM and sat around for a bit, then got into my morning ritual:
IMDB.com (to check the forum)
followed by
after that
one more
Then I go to school work, well after that was over I did my first post in blogspot (if your confused, I post for the day before so, tomorrow, I'll post for today) it doesn't make much sense but oh well.
Either way, after that I found two new albums leaked onto the internet, the first:
Somewhere In Between by Streetlight Manifesto (Not released till November)

Both are pretty amazing (Streetlight moreso) mostly because of the horrendous AVA artwork, seriously it's fucking retarded in my opinion. Anyways, after I got those and put them on my iPod I got off of the computer and watched some M*A*S*H before I realized I was watching M*A*S*H and then came back to the computer and watched some "Monk" and then some "Entourage", then called Christina, talked for a bit (seeing as I hate phones) and then I got off.
About 2 or so, I was getting ready to take a nap because I was up at 5AM and then my grandmother came in to tell me to get up because I had to help my grandfather clean out our storage unit, Jesus we found some shit.
So, we finished that and came home, and I came back and said fuck it and watched some more "Entourage" and sat around... Then the phone rang, I went to go pick it up and my grandfather got it so I asked who it was he said "Some lady, for grandma." so I walk in where my grandma is and she has the phone and " say "who is it?" (fearing it to be a teacher from my school) and... It's my mom, the same mom I haven't talked to in about 6 months, since I've been back. I was given the phone and we talked for about ten minutes, and turns out she's having surgery on her head because of this tube she had implanted in her when she was little, well it needs replaced, and so we talked for a bit, she asked how school was and stuff, then we got off the phone. It was odd as fuck.
Anyways, after the phone call I went back to watch more "Entourage" (Nice name drop) and then ate dinner. Called Christina later on, and then watched Thursday night:
My Name Is Earl
30 Rock
The Office
It's Always Sunny In Philadelphia.
Directly after watching Archie Morris jerk off in an ambulance on ER I headed to bed. This is my boring-ass life, welcome.
Thursday, October 25, 2007
Journal Entry For Wednesday Oct. 24th.
Afterwards we headed back to my house, sat around for a while watching some "It's Always Sunny In Philadelphia", then went downstairs for some "Scrubs"... And other stuff.
Well, she left around... 8:00 - 8:30, I came home sat around playing some SNES and listening to Eugene Mirman, 10:00 watched the new "Life", that show is fucking brilliant. If you haven't seen it then I seriously think you should, it's about a cop who was framed for murder 12 yrs. ago, he gets out from DNA evidence that is inconclusive, and he goes back and becomes a detective, while still in secrecy solving his own case, I think it's amazing....
After Life was over, I headed to the room, worked on some school stuff, and fell asleep around 12:30 to Eddie Izzard's "Dress To Kill" on the iPod.