So, as another series (apart from my Bible, which WON'T be written this week), I'm working on another one. It's essentially stories that I've experienced with various friends over the years.
This story is about the time Charlie and I spooned at a party.
It was the car show of 2006, and Johnny Baker (of A Bittersweet Catastrophe, pun intended) asked if I wanted to go to a party later that night in Warren, where some people were gonna be. At first I was rather hesitant, because I get super shy and super quiet around people I don't know, and people who's offensive limits I can constantly stretch. Eventually I decided to- telling me grandparents I was staying at Johnny's.
We end up there around 7PM after listening to Johnny ATTEMPT to sing along to He Is Legend (something Charlie and I still talk about to this day, it was HORRIBLE), and then we got to the house of one Tiny Tina, a foul-mouthed kid who was really groovy and pretty much always had the house to herself... in the middle of the Ghetto.
So, the "older" ones keep attempting to get alcohol of any type. As nothing prevails, Charlie and I end up sitting on Tina's roof, peeing off the side of it into the neighbors yard.... WELL, about ten minutes later TWO cop cars show up and shine the light on us.
I yell down "Is there a problem officer?", and he tells us to come down.
We go back inside, tell the two others in the house (everybody else went to look for alcohol), and they said don't even answer the door... but Charlie and I went down.
I attempted to shake the cops hand but he said "You can shake hands with my flashlight", to which I did... Probably more pleasant than shaking his hand. We made up some bullshit about Tina taking a hurt friend home, and the cops left.
So... we all keep just laying around chilling out... then Charlie and I (for some unknown reason to this day), end up spoon vertically with our legs more than hanging over the side of the bed while someone else slept just to the left of us, taking up the bed. About ten minutes later... Johnny, Tina and some other guy walk in with bags full of alcohol... I look at the clock and it says "8:14 AM", and so we sat around drinking for a good twenty minutes.
Later on, I got a ride home and fell asleep 10:30PM the next night.
- Josh
Thursday, May 29, 2008
Sunday, May 25, 2008
Something seriously wrong with this town
I've always dug living in Newton Falls, it's just always seemed like a cool little place to raise a family.
Whenever I was moved away from Newton Falls (Florida, Georgia, Arizona) I craved living back there.
Now that I'm living here... I've finally noticed that this is a horrible, wretched, terrible town.
The people are useless and rude, more often than not.
The stereotypes that barrage this town are more provocative than "Catcher In The Rye".
We have black kids who deal drugs and get in trouble with cops.
Mexicans who drive low-riders.
Middle-Eastern people who own a convenience store.
White people who are racist and hunt.
Asian kids who sit around and play video games.
This town is every terrible Hollywood B-movie since 1975.
None of those stereotypes can make up for what I saw yesterday.
I was sitting at the skate park with Selena, Georgianne, Katie, Matt, and Mike when Matt told me to look over to the side of the mini.
I looked and saw someone (that I know) with a little baggy of brown powder, (presumably Heroin or a crushed up pill)... It wasn't THAT bothersome... as much as when I heard the guy snort it.
I looked this time, while he did another line.
It bothered me to see that shit going down 30 feet away from a playground where kids were playing.
How could I have been so ignorant all this time.
How fucking dumb could I be to never really notice the impact it was making.
It's fucktards like that, and people who smoke pot at the park that are making this town a piece of shit.
At least do it in the comfort of your home, but on a skate park ramp?!
What the fuck!?
I just want to get out of here.
- Josh.
Whenever I was moved away from Newton Falls (Florida, Georgia, Arizona) I craved living back there.
Now that I'm living here... I've finally noticed that this is a horrible, wretched, terrible town.
The people are useless and rude, more often than not.
The stereotypes that barrage this town are more provocative than "Catcher In The Rye".
We have black kids who deal drugs and get in trouble with cops.
Mexicans who drive low-riders.
Middle-Eastern people who own a convenience store.
White people who are racist and hunt.
Asian kids who sit around and play video games.
This town is every terrible Hollywood B-movie since 1975.
None of those stereotypes can make up for what I saw yesterday.
I was sitting at the skate park with Selena, Georgianne, Katie, Matt, and Mike when Matt told me to look over to the side of the mini.
I looked and saw someone (that I know) with a little baggy of brown powder, (presumably Heroin or a crushed up pill)... It wasn't THAT bothersome... as much as when I heard the guy snort it.
I looked this time, while he did another line.
It bothered me to see that shit going down 30 feet away from a playground where kids were playing.
How could I have been so ignorant all this time.
How fucking dumb could I be to never really notice the impact it was making.
It's fucktards like that, and people who smoke pot at the park that are making this town a piece of shit.
At least do it in the comfort of your home, but on a skate park ramp?!
What the fuck!?
I just want to get out of here.
- Josh.
A night that doesn't help
So, many (if not most) people are unaware of my deepseated fear of rejection.
It's just something I can't help.
I hate the feeling of rejection.
I can DEAL with it very easily, but for some reason it always stays in my head what I could've said, what I should've done, etc.
And... last night didn't really help.
Earlier yesterday Fred, Cameron, Matt, Josh G. and I went to a friend of ours' open house.
It was cool, we got to hangout, say hi to a few people, etc- then we left.
We then decided to show up to her after-party later that night.
Except it was only Cameron, Fred, and I.
Well... it didn't rollover too well.
We debated amongst ourselves who was the one to go up and knock or walk in.
It came down to me manning up to do it.
So I just walk straight in while the "host" of the party is walking up the stairs, and this is the conversation that went down:
"Host": Who invited you guys
Me: You, duh.
"Host": No I didn't.
Me: Oh... well.. uh.
"Host": Well you guys aren't drinking.
Me: I didn't really plan on it.
"Host": You can sit around with us smoking, just go to the garage.
Me: Oh alright, we'll go through this side.
I turn around, walk out say to Fred "That was rude" and then we decided to run back to Fred's car and just leave, to which we did.
I've always hated that fear of rejection, but I don't know- last night didn't really help me at all.
It's just something I've always had to deal with.
It's no huge deal, just a problem.
How was everyone elses' night?
- Josh
It's just something I can't help.
I hate the feeling of rejection.
I can DEAL with it very easily, but for some reason it always stays in my head what I could've said, what I should've done, etc.
And... last night didn't really help.
Earlier yesterday Fred, Cameron, Matt, Josh G. and I went to a friend of ours' open house.
It was cool, we got to hangout, say hi to a few people, etc- then we left.
We then decided to show up to her after-party later that night.
Except it was only Cameron, Fred, and I.
Well... it didn't rollover too well.
We debated amongst ourselves who was the one to go up and knock or walk in.
It came down to me manning up to do it.
So I just walk straight in while the "host" of the party is walking up the stairs, and this is the conversation that went down:
"Host": Who invited you guys
Me: You, duh.
"Host": No I didn't.
Me: Oh... well.. uh.
"Host": Well you guys aren't drinking.
Me: I didn't really plan on it.
"Host": You can sit around with us smoking, just go to the garage.
Me: Oh alright, we'll go through this side.
I turn around, walk out say to Fred "That was rude" and then we decided to run back to Fred's car and just leave, to which we did.
I've always hated that fear of rejection, but I don't know- last night didn't really help me at all.
It's just something I've always had to deal with.
It's no huge deal, just a problem.
How was everyone elses' night?
- Josh
Saturday, May 24, 2008
If you don't like it, don't read it.
So, I read something a few minutes ago that irked me even though it wasn't meant for me (or so I'd like to believe).
A day or so ago I was talking and someone said "No one cares what you think", and even though I kept talking this little twat kept on going "who cares", "why do you think you're better than everyone?!".
That one took it to an extreme.
I constantly make fun of myself, poke fun at my small penis, and call myself a loser- so how do I think I'm better than anyone? Because I jokingly tell a person they have a minute to talk.
Get the fuck over yourself.
If you don't like what I have to say- then don't read this blog, don't listen to me.
I'm not telling anyone to listen and believe in my way of life, because I know that would be an idiotic thing to do.
I like different people.
I like knowing conservatives, Christians, and other people of different stance and belief- those people keep you going.
I'd hate to live in a world where everyone believes the same things I do.
That'd be a scary place.
The only thing I say or do with my blog is this:
It's my blog, it's my mind- it's not yours.
You're comments and addons are welcome, but if you have anything more than constructive criticism, complements, or a debate to ensue then fuck off.
No one gives a shit that you're a whiny cunt who has a problem with people who don't agree in everything that you do.
If you disagree with my blog and things I say- then I thank you.
If you have an angry refusal to see the differences between people and mankind, then go get 10 people who believe in the same shit as you, and pull another Waco incident.
- Josh
A day or so ago I was talking and someone said "No one cares what you think", and even though I kept talking this little twat kept on going "who cares", "why do you think you're better than everyone?!".
That one took it to an extreme.
I constantly make fun of myself, poke fun at my small penis, and call myself a loser- so how do I think I'm better than anyone? Because I jokingly tell a person they have a minute to talk.
Get the fuck over yourself.
If you don't like what I have to say- then don't read this blog, don't listen to me.
I'm not telling anyone to listen and believe in my way of life, because I know that would be an idiotic thing to do.
I like different people.
I like knowing conservatives, Christians, and other people of different stance and belief- those people keep you going.
I'd hate to live in a world where everyone believes the same things I do.
That'd be a scary place.
The only thing I say or do with my blog is this:
It's my blog, it's my mind- it's not yours.
You're comments and addons are welcome, but if you have anything more than constructive criticism, complements, or a debate to ensue then fuck off.
No one gives a shit that you're a whiny cunt who has a problem with people who don't agree in everything that you do.
If you disagree with my blog and things I say- then I thank you.
If you have an angry refusal to see the differences between people and mankind, then go get 10 people who believe in the same shit as you, and pull another Waco incident.
- Josh
Shitty Modern Rock, The Compiled List.
Some people may know of my disdain for modern rock.
A lot of it is just shitty, pointless, faux-glam, over-grunge.
Because of me dooming hatred of modern rock, I've compiled the complete list of modern rock bands (that are around today), that should fall off of the side of the universe.
1. Nickleback.
2. Seether
3. Stone Sour
Sounds like a shitty whisky.
4. Stone Temple Pilots
Terrible, terrible, terrible.
5. Godsmack
Horrah- another post-grunge band.
6. Buck Cherry
7. Velvet Revolver
Velvet = a fabric commonly associated with the color red, the same color as roses.
Revolver = a gun
= Guns -n- Roses
8. Korn
cut your dreads. Whitey.
God knows there are more, but these bands are pretty shitty in my opinion. It's just too bad that I can't include creed- a no-talent band which my friend Nick constantly defends. he says "God gave his voice to Scott Stapp", no he didn't. He didn't, Scott Stapp is a miserable drunk who doesn't even sink- he leaves all of the ending syllable from every word and just pronounces the first letter or two, that's not singing... THIS is singing:
That's Otis Redding, possibly one of the best Soul singers of all time.
There are such great voices out there (Nick Cave, Norah Jones, Cat Power, Cee-Lo Green, Al Green, Adam Green), so people have no need to listen to shitty rhythm guitar, and repetitive drum beats.
I think I hate most music.
- Josh.
A lot of it is just shitty, pointless, faux-glam, over-grunge.
Because of me dooming hatred of modern rock, I've compiled the complete list of modern rock bands (that are around today), that should fall off of the side of the universe.
1. Nickleback.
2. Seether
3. Stone Sour
Sounds like a shitty whisky.
4. Stone Temple Pilots
Terrible, terrible, terrible.
5. Godsmack
Horrah- another post-grunge band.
6. Buck Cherry
7. Velvet Revolver
Velvet = a fabric commonly associated with the color red, the same color as roses.
Revolver = a gun
= Guns -n- Roses
8. Korn
cut your dreads. Whitey.
God knows there are more, but these bands are pretty shitty in my opinion. It's just too bad that I can't include creed- a no-talent band which my friend Nick constantly defends. he says "God gave his voice to Scott Stapp", no he didn't. He didn't, Scott Stapp is a miserable drunk who doesn't even sink- he leaves all of the ending syllable from every word and just pronounces the first letter or two, that's not singing... THIS is singing:
That's Otis Redding, possibly one of the best Soul singers of all time.
There are such great voices out there (Nick Cave, Norah Jones, Cat Power, Cee-Lo Green, Al Green, Adam Green), so people have no need to listen to shitty rhythm guitar, and repetitive drum beats.
I think I hate most music.
- Josh.
Friday, May 23, 2008
Abortion and it's dangle.
As many (if not all) people know, there is a large fundamental debate on the subject of abortion.
For the most part I've always been pro-choice, it's a woman's body- not mine.
It seems like only hardcore-bible-thumping nimrods are pro-life, so I have one question...
It's not your fucking baby, and are you aware of the extreme amount of people who die on a daily basis all around the world- about 200,000- and less than 1,000 are from abortion.
It's fucking pathetic.
What in the fucking universe gives you the right to decide if a girl should have a baby or not?
"But it's gods will" they fucking say- and I call bullshit.
In this day and age would god really be letting shit like Katrina, Darfur, or the war in Iraq happen?
Who would really want to bring a child into life in this day and age anyways.
It's dangerous to breathe the air, it's dangerous to eat the unwashed vegetables, wear helmets when you leave the house (or is that just me?), and keep in line.
- Josh.
For the most part I've always been pro-choice, it's a woman's body- not mine.
It seems like only hardcore-bible-thumping nimrods are pro-life, so I have one question...
It's not your fucking baby, and are you aware of the extreme amount of people who die on a daily basis all around the world- about 200,000- and less than 1,000 are from abortion.
It's fucking pathetic.
What in the fucking universe gives you the right to decide if a girl should have a baby or not?
"But it's gods will" they fucking say- and I call bullshit.
In this day and age would god really be letting shit like Katrina, Darfur, or the war in Iraq happen?
Who would really want to bring a child into life in this day and age anyways.
It's dangerous to breathe the air, it's dangerous to eat the unwashed vegetables, wear helmets when you leave the house (or is that just me?), and keep in line.
- Josh.
Leave it alone.
Well, my blog has reached a new peak- it's gotten me in trouble outside of the internet.
Yesterday I talked to Cameron, and he's doing fine, but obviously shaken up, and grounded.
About 5 or so yesterday, I went up to the park (after hearing from a friend that people were pissed at me because of my blog post about Cameron the other day), and I saw one of the guys (Jack), and apologized for the misunderstanding- that I was only going from what I kept constantly hearing from other people (that Cameron started to freak and they ran away). Well then I saw another person that was in the truck (Dom), and he and I got into a bit of an argument, because he kept hearing from people that I was talking shit about him, calling him all these names, which is far from the truth if you read my post about it. Like I said, I was only going from what I kept hearing. Dom explained to me what went down, and I explained what I heard- and thankfully, he and I are cool now.
Here is the redux of the "real" story:
Dom, Jack, Haley, and Cameron were all sitting in Cameron's car. Dom was the only one NOT smoking with them. Cameron started freaking and flipping out shortly afterwards and hitting Haley. Dom restrained him and locked him in his car, and went up to the courts to find somebody to help while Jack and Haley went another way.
Somehow from my post the other day about the incident- SOMEBODY pulled that "two of my best friends ditched Cameron", "Fuck Cameron he's a piece of shit", "I fucking hate Dom"... which I said NONE OF IT.
I'm cool with Dom, but he's far from being my best friend. He's a cool guy, but that's as far as it goes.
Come on, I never edit my blogs down, and odds are if you've done something- you're in this blog. It just pisses me off that people would really take me that far out of context ON THE INTERNET.
Leave your shit when you leave the house, no one wants to be surrounded by emotional baggage.
- Josh.
Yesterday I talked to Cameron, and he's doing fine, but obviously shaken up, and grounded.
About 5 or so yesterday, I went up to the park (after hearing from a friend that people were pissed at me because of my blog post about Cameron the other day), and I saw one of the guys (Jack), and apologized for the misunderstanding- that I was only going from what I kept constantly hearing from other people (that Cameron started to freak and they ran away). Well then I saw another person that was in the truck (Dom), and he and I got into a bit of an argument, because he kept hearing from people that I was talking shit about him, calling him all these names, which is far from the truth if you read my post about it. Like I said, I was only going from what I kept hearing. Dom explained to me what went down, and I explained what I heard- and thankfully, he and I are cool now.
Here is the redux of the "real" story:
Dom, Jack, Haley, and Cameron were all sitting in Cameron's car. Dom was the only one NOT smoking with them. Cameron started freaking and flipping out shortly afterwards and hitting Haley. Dom restrained him and locked him in his car, and went up to the courts to find somebody to help while Jack and Haley went another way.
Somehow from my post the other day about the incident- SOMEBODY pulled that "two of my best friends ditched Cameron", "Fuck Cameron he's a piece of shit", "I fucking hate Dom"... which I said NONE OF IT.
I'm cool with Dom, but he's far from being my best friend. He's a cool guy, but that's as far as it goes.
Come on, I never edit my blogs down, and odds are if you've done something- you're in this blog. It just pisses me off that people would really take me that far out of context ON THE INTERNET.
Leave your shit when you leave the house, no one wants to be surrounded by emotional baggage.
- Josh.
Thursday, May 22, 2008
Too Far
Once again, I bring you a tale from yesterday.
After what happened with Cameron, I didn't think it could get any worse... WELL, it did... Just not for me.
I was sitting at a bench outside of the park with Trevor, Corbin, Jesse, and two girls I didn't really know. We were having fun just making each other laugh, but then Adam walks out and comes up to Trevor and says "So I heard you wanted to fight me", a huge group walked out with Adam, and I turned to ask Tommy what's going on and he said "We're just fucking with Trevor.", now I mentioned Trevor and his mouth (which you can read here) so I couldn't really tell if he did say something at first. Well, Trevor says he didn't say anything about him and Adam smacks him in the face, and Trevor goes "yeah, that's great", and I just thought Trevor was in on the joke at that point, so I wanted to see it play out.
About ten minutes later, Adam comes back out with a huge group and pulls his shit again- except... this time he hits Trevor's head backwards into the fence, and I said "Alright guys, let's chill.", but Adam wouldn't have it... he pulled Trevor's hair and pulled him off of the bench. Trevor kicked Adam, and said "I DIDN'T EVEN FUCKING DO ANYTHING TO YOU", and walked away angrily with a red face. Jesse and I chased him down and talked to him and chilled him out, even though I scared some kid away who was trying to make Trevor fight Adam by:
1. Beating him with a flip-flop
2. Chasing him with my penis out.
I'm not really friends with Trevor- but they took that shit too far. It was a joke until he started hitting him. I felt bad because I didn't stick up for Trevor earlier- but I thought he was cool with Adam. I'd do the same thing for anyone, because I'd want them to do it for me.
- Josh.
After what happened with Cameron, I didn't think it could get any worse... WELL, it did... Just not for me.
I was sitting at a bench outside of the park with Trevor, Corbin, Jesse, and two girls I didn't really know. We were having fun just making each other laugh, but then Adam walks out and comes up to Trevor and says "So I heard you wanted to fight me", a huge group walked out with Adam, and I turned to ask Tommy what's going on and he said "We're just fucking with Trevor.", now I mentioned Trevor and his mouth (which you can read here) so I couldn't really tell if he did say something at first. Well, Trevor says he didn't say anything about him and Adam smacks him in the face, and Trevor goes "yeah, that's great", and I just thought Trevor was in on the joke at that point, so I wanted to see it play out.
About ten minutes later, Adam comes back out with a huge group and pulls his shit again- except... this time he hits Trevor's head backwards into the fence, and I said "Alright guys, let's chill.", but Adam wouldn't have it... he pulled Trevor's hair and pulled him off of the bench. Trevor kicked Adam, and said "I DIDN'T EVEN FUCKING DO ANYTHING TO YOU", and walked away angrily with a red face. Jesse and I chased him down and talked to him and chilled him out, even though I scared some kid away who was trying to make Trevor fight Adam by:
1. Beating him with a flip-flop
2. Chasing him with my penis out.
I'm not really friends with Trevor- but they took that shit too far. It was a joke until he started hitting him. I felt bad because I didn't stick up for Trevor earlier- but I thought he was cool with Adam. I'd do the same thing for anyone, because I'd want them to do it for me.
- Josh.
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
Iggnorance is no excuse
Earlier today, something major happened- something that makes me see a few people in my life differently. I'll explain from the beginning.
I left the park (to head home for dinner) at about 4:50 or so. I was walking down the gravel path that stretches from parking lot to parking lot, and as I came around the side of the storage building I saw Cameron's truck (it's a lowrider with blue flames... you can't fucking miss it). His windows were rolled up, and I saw somebody just laughing fucking nonstop. I figured they were laughing at me, so I just made a jerking motion and kept walking.
I came back, and as I was coming toward the parking lot where Cameron's truck was parked a girl came up and said "You're friends with Cameron, aren't you?", I said yes and she said that I needed to get over and help him. I asked what happened and she said that she doesn't know, but he's twitching and stuff in his truck. I walk over, and his feet are hanging out the one side of the window, he pants are around his ankles and his hood is up as he's laying face down on the truck's seat. I said "fuck him" and just walked away, a bit pissed off- I got up to the skatepark asked Tommy what happened and he told me he was smoking pot with two other people I know.
We walk back down there and a crowd is building around his truck. They're all figuring out what to do. While we're all speculating, Cody Simmons pulls up and someone tells me to say something to his dad (who has always been a rude asshole to me), so I do and then repeats to Cody "what did he just say?", I was about to maul the motherfucker.
While we were standing there one of the people he was smoking pot with comes up, laughs (Or so I heard) and left. So, while they keep speculating- they decide that someone will follow Cody's dad in Cameron's truck with Cameron. They set Cameron up, and he's still just twitching and staring and freaking out.
I later found out that the two people he smoked pot with just bailed on him after he started freaking out. That's what pisses me off. He could've fucking had seizures and fucking dropped dead and those two people left him there all alone. The tenacity and stupidity of some people baffle me beyond any mortal comprehension.
- Josh
I left the park (to head home for dinner) at about 4:50 or so. I was walking down the gravel path that stretches from parking lot to parking lot, and as I came around the side of the storage building I saw Cameron's truck (it's a lowrider with blue flames... you can't fucking miss it). His windows were rolled up, and I saw somebody just laughing fucking nonstop. I figured they were laughing at me, so I just made a jerking motion and kept walking.
I came back, and as I was coming toward the parking lot where Cameron's truck was parked a girl came up and said "You're friends with Cameron, aren't you?", I said yes and she said that I needed to get over and help him. I asked what happened and she said that she doesn't know, but he's twitching and stuff in his truck. I walk over, and his feet are hanging out the one side of the window, he pants are around his ankles and his hood is up as he's laying face down on the truck's seat. I said "fuck him" and just walked away, a bit pissed off- I got up to the skatepark asked Tommy what happened and he told me he was smoking pot with two other people I know.
We walk back down there and a crowd is building around his truck. They're all figuring out what to do. While we're all speculating, Cody Simmons pulls up and someone tells me to say something to his dad (who has always been a rude asshole to me), so I do and then repeats to Cody "what did he just say?", I was about to maul the motherfucker.
While we were standing there one of the people he was smoking pot with comes up, laughs (Or so I heard) and left. So, while they keep speculating- they decide that someone will follow Cody's dad in Cameron's truck with Cameron. They set Cameron up, and he's still just twitching and staring and freaking out.
I later found out that the two people he smoked pot with just bailed on him after he started freaking out. That's what pisses me off. He could've fucking had seizures and fucking dropped dead and those two people left him there all alone. The tenacity and stupidity of some people baffle me beyond any mortal comprehension.
- Josh
Not even Techno is safe!
What an atrocity!
That's right.
We all have a small inclination to listen to techno, even at parties.
Most of the time it sounds like white noise with drumbeat, but other times you catch a groovy DJ like Jaguar Skills or Fatboy Slim.
It seems as though Techno is more commonly associated and created (well or the best) by British and Eurotrash DJ's and musicians.
Just like fucking Americans to ruin something hardly listenable in the first place.
If you haven't heard of this fellow named Jeffree Starr, essentially he's a crossdresser with pink hair and a lisp.

He/she/it looks a bit like a Disney cartoon villain from the 60's.
Which, fine whatever- he digs the rave scene... but then he has the brilliant idea of being famous (for nothing) and making techno tunes and putting his drab voice over it.
Here's a music video to illustrate.
(Eyelash Curlers and Butcher Knives)
The music itself sounds like it took 20 minutes in pro-tools and looped the voice over with a bit of reverb and synth pad.
The lyrics- devoid of any structure and meaning.
Come on man, if you're gonna be a cross-dressing weirdo, do it correctly!
(Eddie Izzard)
or even if you're gonna do techno, do it fucking right!
Maybe I'm just fucked in the head.
Maybe he IS talented and I'm the dumb one.
Who knows.
- Josh
That's right.
We all have a small inclination to listen to techno, even at parties.
Most of the time it sounds like white noise with drumbeat, but other times you catch a groovy DJ like Jaguar Skills or Fatboy Slim.
It seems as though Techno is more commonly associated and created (well or the best) by British and Eurotrash DJ's and musicians.
Just like fucking Americans to ruin something hardly listenable in the first place.
If you haven't heard of this fellow named Jeffree Starr, essentially he's a crossdresser with pink hair and a lisp.

He/she/it looks a bit like a Disney cartoon villain from the 60's.
Which, fine whatever- he digs the rave scene... but then he has the brilliant idea of being famous (for nothing) and making techno tunes and putting his drab voice over it.
Here's a music video to illustrate.
(Eyelash Curlers and Butcher Knives)
The music itself sounds like it took 20 minutes in pro-tools and looped the voice over with a bit of reverb and synth pad.
The lyrics- devoid of any structure and meaning.
Come on man, if you're gonna be a cross-dressing weirdo, do it correctly!
(Eddie Izzard)
or even if you're gonna do techno, do it fucking right!
Maybe I'm just fucked in the head.
Maybe he IS talented and I'm the dumb one.
Who knows.
- Josh
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
The Death Of A Close Friend
Not but one hour ago- my little buddy died- my year old iPod; Romper. I gave it the nickname romper from all of the shit I've done to it.
In it's short, one year lifespan it endured washing machines, ponds, being thrown a nice amount of yards to hit someone in the back, being thrown against a wall, and many other atrocities known to man.
That dammed iPod has been through more than a Vietnam refugee turned street walking hooker.
I bought it about a week before I moved to Ohio, and it's been through quite a bit since.
The worst part was that it had my music on there. I DID have most of the music backed up on the computer, but there were a few single songs that took me forever to find that are lost forever.
Now it just means I actually have to spend money and buy a new one.
(Also; check out "Matt's Blog" under friends, it's a work in progress but I'm sure that he'd enjoy more people reading it.)
- Josh

In it's short, one year lifespan it endured washing machines, ponds, being thrown a nice amount of yards to hit someone in the back, being thrown against a wall, and many other atrocities known to man.
That dammed iPod has been through more than a Vietnam refugee turned street walking hooker.
I bought it about a week before I moved to Ohio, and it's been through quite a bit since.
The worst part was that it had my music on there. I DID have most of the music backed up on the computer, but there were a few single songs that took me forever to find that are lost forever.
Now it just means I actually have to spend money and buy a new one.
(Also; check out "Matt's Blog" under friends, it's a work in progress but I'm sure that he'd enjoy more people reading it.)
- Josh

In Memory 2008.
The Josh Bennett Bible, Book Two: Exodus
So in continuation of my everlasting damnation for all of eternity, I've produced a second book, in my "bible rewrites". You can read the first one, here.
Book Two, Exodus:
These Egyptian motherfuckers named the Hebrews were paying off a debt to some nigga from some coke he gave them three years ago at a bustop- while waitin' to go to the Piggly Wiggly and cash in their food stamps. Of course this nigga took the food stamps, he wanted some fucking Kool-Aid. So, after G heard his Hebrew bitches was in trouble, he sent this mystical-superhero motherfucker named Moses to help free the Hebrews. Moses went all Godfather Part I on them, and asked those bitches if they wanna let them go- these Egyptians needed the Hebrews to grow and harvest their weed- so they wouldn't let them go.
So big G sent down some apocalyptic shit down on Eygpt, you know- giant fucking birds and shit. The Egyptians let the Hebrews go, and big G was like "ight, all you fucking Hebrew honeys and shit- you motherfuckers can have Israel, if you can make your silly asses to it". The Hebrews crossed through the desert, and big G was pissin' water for them down there. Moses met up with G for payment at a motherfucking mountain, and big G gave Moses laws for his people. So Moses made a giant motherfucking tee-pee and he and his other bitches would serve Big G.
(Going to hell)
- Josh
Book Two, Exodus:
These Egyptian motherfuckers named the Hebrews were paying off a debt to some nigga from some coke he gave them three years ago at a bustop- while waitin' to go to the Piggly Wiggly and cash in their food stamps. Of course this nigga took the food stamps, he wanted some fucking Kool-Aid. So, after G heard his Hebrew bitches was in trouble, he sent this mystical-superhero motherfucker named Moses to help free the Hebrews. Moses went all Godfather Part I on them, and asked those bitches if they wanna let them go- these Egyptians needed the Hebrews to grow and harvest their weed- so they wouldn't let them go.
So big G sent down some apocalyptic shit down on Eygpt, you know- giant fucking birds and shit. The Egyptians let the Hebrews go, and big G was like "ight, all you fucking Hebrew honeys and shit- you motherfuckers can have Israel, if you can make your silly asses to it". The Hebrews crossed through the desert, and big G was pissin' water for them down there. Moses met up with G for payment at a motherfucking mountain, and big G gave Moses laws for his people. So Moses made a giant motherfucking tee-pee and he and his other bitches would serve Big G.
(Going to hell)
- Josh
Monday, May 19, 2008
Another day wasted
I'm sitting around right now, listening to Black Sabbath's record "Paranoid"-

One of the first, and BEST heavy metal albums to date.
Ozzy's voice is rather fluid and experimental in the record.
It actually feels like a precursor to post-rock in many of the ambient sounding aspects.
I've been thinking a lot lately.
Bunches of stuff actually.
But my blog is a big part of it.
I've been reading over my old posts and just seeing how I don't really like them, I know why I don't- but I need to learn to fix it. I have a HUGE problem with editing, and it often impacts the writing to make it be read trashy and quickly done.
I know it's a simple journal, but I want to be proud of it.
For some reason I just can't really dig anything about my blog, I'm actually thinking about a HUGE overhaul of it.
Changing name, layout, everything.
Who knows, but as the events unfold- I'll tell you cats.

One of the first, and BEST heavy metal albums to date.
Ozzy's voice is rather fluid and experimental in the record.
It actually feels like a precursor to post-rock in many of the ambient sounding aspects.
I've been thinking a lot lately.
Bunches of stuff actually.
But my blog is a big part of it.
I've been reading over my old posts and just seeing how I don't really like them, I know why I don't- but I need to learn to fix it. I have a HUGE problem with editing, and it often impacts the writing to make it be read trashy and quickly done.
I know it's a simple journal, but I want to be proud of it.
For some reason I just can't really dig anything about my blog, I'm actually thinking about a HUGE overhaul of it.
Changing name, layout, everything.
Who knows, but as the events unfold- I'll tell you cats.
Saturday, May 17, 2008
set me down
Good afternoon everyone.
It's about 12:30 here on Saturday.
Listening to "The Fall Of Troy", amazing band.
So... yesterday was surely out there.
I went up to the park around 4 and then Charlie showed up.
I hung with him for a bit, then went to Arby's for some food.
After that I headed back up to the park.
Matt was there, and Chris was on his way up.
Chris gets there, and then out of nowhere- Fred shows up.
We're all having fun chilling out, then we decide to head to Circle K.
We get to Circle K.
Charlie, Mike Kochman, and Chris go inside while Matt, Fred, and I all hang out.
I'm standing by this guys truck when he walks out (with a cast on) and tells me to get away from his truck. I step away and say sorry, and Matt says something (I can't quite remember what) and this guy starts getting in Matt's face asking him if he wants to fight. I start yelling at the guy to just go pay for his shit and leave.
He's still starting with Matt (I make fun of Matt all the time, but I'd defend him always). Then I start getting in this guys face telling him to go pay for his shit and leave (he walked out while he was in line with his items).
He comes back out, then starts saying shit like "DO YOU KNOW WHO I AM", I call him an asshole and that he should just leave. He asks if we wanna gangfight- when Chris walks out...
Chris walks straight up and starts getting in this guys face.
We keep bitching at the guy and eventually a Circle K employee walks out and tells him to leave, he gets in his truck and leaves.
Even while he's pulling away, he's talking shit- still saying stuff like "I'll fucking kill you!".
We get back to the park and regale the tale, and people were laughing hysterically.
Someone there had alcohol and we had been drinking a bit anyways.
So, bit later on- I just pull my shorts down, and this guy in the skatepark comes near me and this is what went down here:
Guy: Pull your shorts up or I'll punch you in the fucking face.
Me: No you won't.
Guy: Watch me.
Me: Dude, how old are you?
Guy: 19
Me: Exactly dude, I'm 17- lay a hand on me and I'll have you arrested for assault.
Guy: I'm not afraid to go back to prison.
Me: Do you WANT to go back to prison?
Guy: I don't care.
Me: You're avoiding the question, we both know you won't hit me. So, relax.
A little later... Chris and Chaney get naked and skateboard- funniest shit of my life, while I'm strolling around the park pretty much nude myself.
It was a fun night.
- Josh
It's about 12:30 here on Saturday.
Listening to "The Fall Of Troy", amazing band.
So... yesterday was surely out there.
I went up to the park around 4 and then Charlie showed up.
I hung with him for a bit, then went to Arby's for some food.
After that I headed back up to the park.
Matt was there, and Chris was on his way up.
Chris gets there, and then out of nowhere- Fred shows up.
We're all having fun chilling out, then we decide to head to Circle K.
We get to Circle K.
Charlie, Mike Kochman, and Chris go inside while Matt, Fred, and I all hang out.
I'm standing by this guys truck when he walks out (with a cast on) and tells me to get away from his truck. I step away and say sorry, and Matt says something (I can't quite remember what) and this guy starts getting in Matt's face asking him if he wants to fight. I start yelling at the guy to just go pay for his shit and leave.
He's still starting with Matt (I make fun of Matt all the time, but I'd defend him always). Then I start getting in this guys face telling him to go pay for his shit and leave (he walked out while he was in line with his items).
He comes back out, then starts saying shit like "DO YOU KNOW WHO I AM", I call him an asshole and that he should just leave. He asks if we wanna gangfight- when Chris walks out...
Chris walks straight up and starts getting in this guys face.
We keep bitching at the guy and eventually a Circle K employee walks out and tells him to leave, he gets in his truck and leaves.
Even while he's pulling away, he's talking shit- still saying stuff like "I'll fucking kill you!".
We get back to the park and regale the tale, and people were laughing hysterically.
Someone there had alcohol and we had been drinking a bit anyways.
So, bit later on- I just pull my shorts down, and this guy in the skatepark comes near me and this is what went down here:
Guy: Pull your shorts up or I'll punch you in the fucking face.
Me: No you won't.
Guy: Watch me.
Me: Dude, how old are you?
Guy: 19
Me: Exactly dude, I'm 17- lay a hand on me and I'll have you arrested for assault.
Guy: I'm not afraid to go back to prison.
Me: Do you WANT to go back to prison?
Guy: I don't care.
Me: You're avoiding the question, we both know you won't hit me. So, relax.
A little later... Chris and Chaney get naked and skateboard- funniest shit of my life, while I'm strolling around the park pretty much nude myself.
It was a fun night.
- Josh
Friday, May 16, 2008
Here's to life.
Good morning everyone.
It's 9:24 AM right now, and I'm basically just chilling out.
Listening to "Bandits of the Acoustic Revolution" EP "Call to Arms".

It's pretty good so far.
If you're a fan of Thomas Kalnoky's other projects (EARLY Catch 22, Streetlight Manifesto), then I'd recommend checking it out.
So- yesterday was actually quite boring.
Ambulance was called because someone crashed on their bike, and caught his stomach skin in between the sprocket and the chain.
I looked at the wound, and it looked kind of like a virgin's vagina.
Messed up shit.
He refused to get in the ambulance when someone called, and started running away from the park.
A few people got him and brought him back.
I ended up hanging out with MKizzle for a bit, grabbing some pies at McDonalds.
It was an alright day.
I just feel like something is missing.
I don't know.
- Josh
It's 9:24 AM right now, and I'm basically just chilling out.
Listening to "Bandits of the Acoustic Revolution" EP "Call to Arms".

It's pretty good so far.
If you're a fan of Thomas Kalnoky's other projects (EARLY Catch 22, Streetlight Manifesto), then I'd recommend checking it out.
So- yesterday was actually quite boring.
Ambulance was called because someone crashed on their bike, and caught his stomach skin in between the sprocket and the chain.
I looked at the wound, and it looked kind of like a virgin's vagina.
Messed up shit.
He refused to get in the ambulance when someone called, and started running away from the park.
A few people got him and brought him back.
I ended up hanging out with MKizzle for a bit, grabbing some pies at McDonalds.
It was an alright day.
I just feel like something is missing.
I don't know.
- Josh
Thursday, May 15, 2008
The Nutty Veteran.
Good morning everyone.
It's 9:37, and I'm just sitting around listening to The Mars Volta, feeling alright. Just bored.
Speaking of music, there are two albums coming in June that are pants-creamingly worthy of ejaculating into an 8 year olds hair.
Two great bands/artists, two (hopefully) amazing records.
So, if you read the news yesterday- John Edwards FULLY backs up Barack Obama. This is good news to me, it means that it's over for Hillary Cunton, and it's between Obama and McCain. I don't think McCain should be allowed in office. We've had the same nutty Republican in office for the past 8 years, the last thing we need is another one. McCain is just a fucking nut, and he should probably just be put down. I think that it's a turn for us Liberals to get a nice chance, Bill Clinton may have fucked a girl in office, but- at least he didn't fuck a country like Bush.
My cousin (and presumably A LOT of my family) is Republican and she's pro-McCain... it's the religion. She's a rather religious person, and I think that's what does it.
You become a religious zealot- you become a nutter who wants another senile nutter in office.
Come on- we need to get the fuck out of this war and rebuild our economy.
I'd rather actually have Clinton in office than McCain any day.
It's just too bad there isn't any fellows like John F. Kennedy around today (minus the whole being killed thing), he did a good job! It's assholes like the Bush Boys who are fucking this company, with their own agenda- and they've fucked the entire Republican party enough for me to say I can't trust a Republican politician.
Oh well, good times.
- Josh.
It's 9:37, and I'm just sitting around listening to The Mars Volta, feeling alright. Just bored.
Speaking of music, there are two albums coming in June that are pants-creamingly worthy of ejaculating into an 8 year olds hair.
1. Beck - Modern Guilt
Produced by the GREAT Dj Dangermouse, and a track with Cat Power- a first Beck collaboration.
2. RANCID - Untitled (as of now)
First album since 2003's Indestructible.
Two great bands/artists, two (hopefully) amazing records.
So, if you read the news yesterday- John Edwards FULLY backs up Barack Obama. This is good news to me, it means that it's over for Hillary Cunton, and it's between Obama and McCain. I don't think McCain should be allowed in office. We've had the same nutty Republican in office for the past 8 years, the last thing we need is another one. McCain is just a fucking nut, and he should probably just be put down. I think that it's a turn for us Liberals to get a nice chance, Bill Clinton may have fucked a girl in office, but- at least he didn't fuck a country like Bush.
My cousin (and presumably A LOT of my family) is Republican and she's pro-McCain... it's the religion. She's a rather religious person, and I think that's what does it.
You become a religious zealot- you become a nutter who wants another senile nutter in office.
Come on- we need to get the fuck out of this war and rebuild our economy.
I'd rather actually have Clinton in office than McCain any day.
It's just too bad there isn't any fellows like John F. Kennedy around today (minus the whole being killed thing), he did a good job! It's assholes like the Bush Boys who are fucking this company, with their own agenda- and they've fucked the entire Republican party enough for me to say I can't trust a Republican politician.
Oh well, good times.
- Josh.
Tuesday, May 13, 2008
Hippies, Cops, and Circle K.
So, yesterday was a bit out there.
I bit surreal if you will.
I'm not gonna go into EVERYTHING, just the big stuff that happened- in order of when it happened.
I got to the park around 5:30 or so, and hung around by the side a warehouse that shades over a part of the park. There were like 20 of us, we were all talking, joking, playing around, you know- being kids.
Then... I have the smart idea of running up to a bench, jumping ON the bench and then running along the top of it that people lean their backs against... in flip-flops. So, I do it, and... I make it three steps before My one leg goes under and in between a metal bar, I smack my balls and nail the side of my face (which my jaw now keeps popping over). While I was still just laying there on the bench in the position I fell- I heard silence... no one was laughing, no one was like "are you alright?!", so... I roll over and just start laughing... and then the roar of laughter from them begins. It was fun, well... looking back now, it was VERY dumb... but NOT the most immature thing I did yesterday.
Later on I was sitting at a bench with Ryan, Devin, Katie, Chris, and Charlie... when the old hippie walked up. He was wearing a biker helmet, a leather jacket, 30 bracelets, and a huge fu-man-chu... the epitome of weird. He walks up and starts talking to us about MP3 players, and then Charlie and Chris leave to go back skating... lucky bastards. We're all just sitting out there talking to him, and he's telling us these stories... and then he mentions that he's a "federal agent", and "he's being watched", like a billion times. He told us he saw the Kennedy assassination, and that he knows who it was... yeah, the guy is a nutter. We're still just talking to him, and he was telling us all this shit about being a pilot, and being told to run for President, and being the second most-powerful person in the country... the guy was insane. He was straight up nuts. He eventually leaves, after telling us more about being a federal agent, and running for President.
After the old-hippie left, we all decided to go to Circle K. So Chris, Charlie, Ryan, Devin and myself all head out that way. We get there, I go in- buy my shit and talk to Flatland Chris (amazing biker) and Tommy on the left side where the ramp is that they load food into. The others show up, so we're just hanging out... when the lady comes and tells us to get off of the property because "we're loitering", we argue and say we're just hanging out- and we keep just messing around while one of us argues with her.
Charlie has the bright idea of going next door (which was 4 steps away) and sitting on THEIR stoop. I go over, then so do Tommy and Chris. Ryan and Devin had already left to get a ride. So, the lady is still arguing with us, even though we're not on THEIR property anymore. I then note that some of HER friends are standing out in front and tell her it's bullshit, and then she says "you guys were in the dark over there", which is complete and utter bullshit. She just doesn't want us standing around. So I argue, Chris argues, Charlie argues, just because it's bullshit. We weren't hurting anyone, we were being relatively quiet actually, we were having fun hanging out and that's it. Well, another worker comes out and says they've called the police. We all kind of stand around, and then I start getting into a fight with some twat in a white shirt who calls me immature, and to just act my age, his friend pulls up... and he yells to his friend in the car to kick our asses... and it's none other... than one of Charlie's friends. What a fucking polo-wearing-twat-motherfucker. So, after arguing a bit with the people, I tell Flatland Chris the cops are on the way while he's on the phone, I hear him mention that "yeah, it seems like a riots starting to break out", and the he says bye and leaves.
Tommy and I bail before the cops show up.
I got home and talked to Charlie and he said that they just fought with the cops when the cops came up too.
All they did was take their names and let them go.
I still wanted to avoid that though.
Personally; I found it rather offensive that we were being told to leave, but some twats still were allowed to hang out. If those guys weren't hanging out there... then I would've left, but I'm all for affirmative action.
- Josh.
I bit surreal if you will.
I'm not gonna go into EVERYTHING, just the big stuff that happened- in order of when it happened.
I got to the park around 5:30 or so, and hung around by the side a warehouse that shades over a part of the park. There were like 20 of us, we were all talking, joking, playing around, you know- being kids.
Then... I have the smart idea of running up to a bench, jumping ON the bench and then running along the top of it that people lean their backs against... in flip-flops. So, I do it, and... I make it three steps before My one leg goes under and in between a metal bar, I smack my balls and nail the side of my face (which my jaw now keeps popping over). While I was still just laying there on the bench in the position I fell- I heard silence... no one was laughing, no one was like "are you alright?!", so... I roll over and just start laughing... and then the roar of laughter from them begins. It was fun, well... looking back now, it was VERY dumb... but NOT the most immature thing I did yesterday.
Later on I was sitting at a bench with Ryan, Devin, Katie, Chris, and Charlie... when the old hippie walked up. He was wearing a biker helmet, a leather jacket, 30 bracelets, and a huge fu-man-chu... the epitome of weird. He walks up and starts talking to us about MP3 players, and then Charlie and Chris leave to go back skating... lucky bastards. We're all just sitting out there talking to him, and he's telling us these stories... and then he mentions that he's a "federal agent", and "he's being watched", like a billion times. He told us he saw the Kennedy assassination, and that he knows who it was... yeah, the guy is a nutter. We're still just talking to him, and he was telling us all this shit about being a pilot, and being told to run for President, and being the second most-powerful person in the country... the guy was insane. He was straight up nuts. He eventually leaves, after telling us more about being a federal agent, and running for President.
After the old-hippie left, we all decided to go to Circle K. So Chris, Charlie, Ryan, Devin and myself all head out that way. We get there, I go in- buy my shit and talk to Flatland Chris (amazing biker) and Tommy on the left side where the ramp is that they load food into. The others show up, so we're just hanging out... when the lady comes and tells us to get off of the property because "we're loitering", we argue and say we're just hanging out- and we keep just messing around while one of us argues with her.
Charlie has the bright idea of going next door (which was 4 steps away) and sitting on THEIR stoop. I go over, then so do Tommy and Chris. Ryan and Devin had already left to get a ride. So, the lady is still arguing with us, even though we're not on THEIR property anymore. I then note that some of HER friends are standing out in front and tell her it's bullshit, and then she says "you guys were in the dark over there", which is complete and utter bullshit. She just doesn't want us standing around. So I argue, Chris argues, Charlie argues, just because it's bullshit. We weren't hurting anyone, we were being relatively quiet actually, we were having fun hanging out and that's it. Well, another worker comes out and says they've called the police. We all kind of stand around, and then I start getting into a fight with some twat in a white shirt who calls me immature, and to just act my age, his friend pulls up... and he yells to his friend in the car to kick our asses... and it's none other... than one of Charlie's friends. What a fucking polo-wearing-twat-motherfucker. So, after arguing a bit with the people, I tell Flatland Chris the cops are on the way while he's on the phone, I hear him mention that "yeah, it seems like a riots starting to break out", and the he says bye and leaves.
Tommy and I bail before the cops show up.
I got home and talked to Charlie and he said that they just fought with the cops when the cops came up too.
All they did was take their names and let them go.
I still wanted to avoid that though.
Personally; I found it rather offensive that we were being told to leave, but some twats still were allowed to hang out. If those guys weren't hanging out there... then I would've left, but I'm all for affirmative action.
- Josh.
The Josh Bennett Bible, Book One: Genesis
In an effort to further my seat into the depths of hell, I've embarked on a new experiment.
I'm re-writing the bible.
I'm doing EVERY book of the bible, and it'll just be summaries- nothing huge and extensive, probably paragraph or two at most.
Setting it in modern day, including sex scenes, gun fights, super-heroes, gangsters, polar bears, and Al Gore.
Still not sure how often they'll be posted (pending me NOT being deleted from Blogger for it), but enjoy.
- Josh.
I'm re-writing the bible.
I'm doing EVERY book of the bible, and it'll just be summaries- nothing huge and extensive, probably paragraph or two at most.
Setting it in modern day, including sex scenes, gun fights, super-heroes, gangsters, polar bears, and Al Gore.
Still not sure how often they'll be posted (pending me NOT being deleted from Blogger for it), but enjoy.
Book One, Genesis:
So in the beginning there was this intense motherfucker named God, his homies called him G though. He would fuck bitches up left and right. He was rolling in the money so much- he wanted to build himself an entire compound, make it as big as fucking planet, hire Cubans to take care of it- fucking intense motherfucking shit. G made it all pretty and shit. Then he had two of his niggs come down from South Central to chill out, but then they started stealing and eating all of his shit. G loves his fucking apples, and he wasn't gonna stand for that shit. So G started being an major asshole, and decided to just leave the place, but leave them there to teach the bitches a lesson. It was this tight honey named Eve, and this mafiaoso motherfucker named Adam. They fucked like rabbits forever. So, big G came back one day and was like "Aight Bitches, you're staying here- but my homie Jesus is gonna be here one day to fuck you up", so- Adam and Eve kept fucking, and so did their kids. Shit was starting out REAL tight, and REALLY fucked up.
- Josh.
You can't be what you were
Good morning friends.
It's 9:22 AM right now, and I'm sitting around... not doing much, listening to Fugazi's first album "13 songs", so far so good. Whenever you put a legend like Ian Mackaye in a band though, how could it be bad?
He was one of the first pioneers of the Straight-Edge movement, while still remaining to be insane beyond belief. When he played with Minor Threat, he would stop playing a set when kids started moshing- telling them that it's pointless violence and is taking away the integrity of the music.
I'm not really a straight-edge, I just don't really care.
You wanna do drugs, drink, and smoke? Go ahead, be my guest- but fuck off if you think you're coming near me.
It's a very subversive and often evasive subject that can be stricken to be all too monosyllabic.
I think that drinking, drugs, smoking, etc... they're all a part of a problem with ones-self, that has yet to be realized, a certain fear or disbelief that has yet to be expressed fully.
Maybe I'm wrong- maybe they just do it because it's cool, I'm SURE there are people who just smoke pot to be high, but I have to think that sometimes theres a person doing drugs because they're escaping something.
To be honest- I don't even blame people who go off to do drugs, I wish I could now. I know it's not me though.
I have yet to, and will never change because of people I'm surrounded by.
- Josh
It's 9:22 AM right now, and I'm sitting around... not doing much, listening to Fugazi's first album "13 songs", so far so good. Whenever you put a legend like Ian Mackaye in a band though, how could it be bad?
He was one of the first pioneers of the Straight-Edge movement, while still remaining to be insane beyond belief. When he played with Minor Threat, he would stop playing a set when kids started moshing- telling them that it's pointless violence and is taking away the integrity of the music.
I'm not really a straight-edge, I just don't really care.
You wanna do drugs, drink, and smoke? Go ahead, be my guest- but fuck off if you think you're coming near me.
It's a very subversive and often evasive subject that can be stricken to be all too monosyllabic.
I think that drinking, drugs, smoking, etc... they're all a part of a problem with ones-self, that has yet to be realized, a certain fear or disbelief that has yet to be expressed fully.
Maybe I'm wrong- maybe they just do it because it's cool, I'm SURE there are people who just smoke pot to be high, but I have to think that sometimes theres a person doing drugs because they're escaping something.
To be honest- I don't even blame people who go off to do drugs, I wish I could now. I know it's not me though.
I have yet to, and will never change because of people I'm surrounded by.
- Josh
Monday, May 12, 2008
Blind Moving
Good afternoon all.
It's 3:56 PM and I'm sitting here listening to Gnarls Barkley.
I'm feeling a bit down today.
Just a multitude of things building up in my head.
The worst one is by far how many of the people in my life are changing right in front of me, and there isn't shit I can do to sway them.
I think it affects me because I've been the same person for quite a while.
I know it's their life, and it's none of my business, but I hate the idea of someone changing into something worse, and I'm a terrible person- I can see when someone else is being terrible.
One of my friends snorted Vicodin the other night, and they said it's the greatest feeling in the universe. I was actually spiked to try it again, but- then I realized that it's a very silly thing to do.
Fuck it though.
All of my friends are doing exactly what I thought they would.
Moving on to do "their own thing", whatever that may be, and probably exhuming themselves from me.
Oh well.
I still got the Frizz, Clay, and the Daan though.
- Josh
It's 3:56 PM and I'm sitting here listening to Gnarls Barkley.
I'm feeling a bit down today.
Just a multitude of things building up in my head.
The worst one is by far how many of the people in my life are changing right in front of me, and there isn't shit I can do to sway them.
I think it affects me because I've been the same person for quite a while.
I know it's their life, and it's none of my business, but I hate the idea of someone changing into something worse, and I'm a terrible person- I can see when someone else is being terrible.
One of my friends snorted Vicodin the other night, and they said it's the greatest feeling in the universe. I was actually spiked to try it again, but- then I realized that it's a very silly thing to do.
Fuck it though.
All of my friends are doing exactly what I thought they would.
Moving on to do "their own thing", whatever that may be, and probably exhuming themselves from me.
Oh well.
I still got the Frizz, Clay, and the Daan though.
- Josh
Sunday, May 11, 2008
I own 14 scales
Good evening readers.
It's 9:49 PM, and I'm chilling out... listening to the Pulp Fiction soundtrack.
I think that movie should be a must-watch for ALL people.
It's boderline epic.
People consider The Oddessy by Homer to be an Epic, well I think Pulp Fiction should be considered an epic, and I know very few people who would disagree with me.

Whatever Tarantino was smoking during Pulp Fiction, he needs more of it.
I'm at the point to where I can memorize this speech from the movie:
Jules: So, there's this passage I got memorized... Ezekiel 25:17, The path of the righteous man is beset on all sides by the iniquities of the selfish and the tyranny of evil men. Blessed is he, who in the name of charity and good will, shepherds the weak through the valley of darkness, for he is truly his brother's keeper and the finder of lost children. And I will strike down upon thee with great vengeance and furious anger those who would attempt to poison and destroy my brothers. And you will know my name is the Lord when I lay my vengeance upon thee.
I love that movie more than my family.
On to that.
So, Friday I went out to lunch with my Aunt Beth, Cousin Sarah, and Grandma.
We hit up Olive Garden (not my idea, but it was alright).
Oh don't worry, I did something dumb, as I always do.
About midway through the meal, I stood up and said "I gotta pee"
my ultra-conservative Aunt freaked and said "that's really gross"
my grandmother corrected me and said "restroom"
so I felt dumb and walked off.
It had been my first time at this one so I just walked from one end (Past all walls and doors) and got lost, eventually I just halted off after seeing a bunch of employees staring at me, randomly walking around.
We left there and headed to the mall.
I kind of just walked around, ready to piss myself for about 2 hours until I just screamed "AHHHHHHHH BLADDER SNAKES" and ran to the bathroom at full force.
I picked up some new flip-flops.
Good times.
- Josh.
It's 9:49 PM, and I'm chilling out... listening to the Pulp Fiction soundtrack.
I think that movie should be a must-watch for ALL people.
It's boderline epic.
People consider The Oddessy by Homer to be an Epic, well I think Pulp Fiction should be considered an epic, and I know very few people who would disagree with me.

Whatever Tarantino was smoking during Pulp Fiction, he needs more of it.
I'm at the point to where I can memorize this speech from the movie:
Jules: So, there's this passage I got memorized... Ezekiel 25:17, The path of the righteous man is beset on all sides by the iniquities of the selfish and the tyranny of evil men. Blessed is he, who in the name of charity and good will, shepherds the weak through the valley of darkness, for he is truly his brother's keeper and the finder of lost children. And I will strike down upon thee with great vengeance and furious anger those who would attempt to poison and destroy my brothers. And you will know my name is the Lord when I lay my vengeance upon thee.
I love that movie more than my family.
On to that.
So, Friday I went out to lunch with my Aunt Beth, Cousin Sarah, and Grandma.
We hit up Olive Garden (not my idea, but it was alright).
Oh don't worry, I did something dumb, as I always do.
About midway through the meal, I stood up and said "I gotta pee"
my ultra-conservative Aunt freaked and said "that's really gross"
my grandmother corrected me and said "restroom"
so I felt dumb and walked off.
It had been my first time at this one so I just walked from one end (Past all walls and doors) and got lost, eventually I just halted off after seeing a bunch of employees staring at me, randomly walking around.
We left there and headed to the mall.
I kind of just walked around, ready to piss myself for about 2 hours until I just screamed "AHHHHHHHH BLADDER SNAKES" and ran to the bathroom at full force.
I picked up some new flip-flops.
Good times.
- Josh.
Friday, May 9, 2008
In a cold-ass fashion
Good evening everyone, it's 7:41 PM on my watch and I just got home a few minutes ago.
I'm... feeling pretty depressed.
I have for the past day or two.
Something in my head just triggered, and I feel like it's all pointless.
I just don't want to be here anymore (not living, just... Ohio), I think It'd be better if I headed back to Arizona.
The past two days- the people I'm normally excited to see... I just didn't WANT to see them at all. Charlie and Chris came in from their town today and we usually kick it and have fun, and I usually get pumped when they show up... but I was just bummed, not because they came... but I just don't want to see anyone.
The past two days... I realized that there would only be a maximum of five people I'd miss if I were to move away (Clay, Fred, Amber, Lauren, and someone else). Those people are the only reason I'm still here, if I didn't have them- I'd move in an heartbeat.
I can't think of anything I want to stay here for anymore.
I don't think anyone would miss me after a week.
Who knows, maybe I'll just go back.
- Josh
I'm... feeling pretty depressed.
I have for the past day or two.
Something in my head just triggered, and I feel like it's all pointless.
I just don't want to be here anymore (not living, just... Ohio), I think It'd be better if I headed back to Arizona.
The past two days- the people I'm normally excited to see... I just didn't WANT to see them at all. Charlie and Chris came in from their town today and we usually kick it and have fun, and I usually get pumped when they show up... but I was just bummed, not because they came... but I just don't want to see anyone.
The past two days... I realized that there would only be a maximum of five people I'd miss if I were to move away (Clay, Fred, Amber, Lauren, and someone else). Those people are the only reason I'm still here, if I didn't have them- I'd move in an heartbeat.
I can't think of anything I want to stay here for anymore.
I don't think anyone would miss me after a week.
Who knows, maybe I'll just go back.
- Josh
"My Family"
So, as many people read this blog know... I'm... a little weird, and out there. People have asked me "How did you get so fucked up?", and the easiest way to explain it... is my family.
Most of my imediate family is twisted like me (humorwise), with the exception of two- my Aunt Beth, and my Aunt Amy.
I'll go into a bit of detail on each, just as a glimpse.
1. My Aunt Beth.
My aunt Beth and her family are hardcore Christians who homeschool their children, drive GM trucks, and hunt at a consistent basis.
Three or four things I'm highly opposed to.
2. My Aunt Amy
Ah, this side of the family. My aunt Amy is essentially fucking her kids up for life. Her husband (my uncle Bill) raises their kids in a very pseudo-militaristic atmosphere. He makes the two boys play football, and their daughter play softball... The best part is, one of the sons and the daughter want to play Soccer, and he fucking hates it.
He's SO anti-soccer that it's just funny. He calls it a "bitch sport", for "girls"- yeah, because a bunch of guys huddled together touching balls isn't gay.
Those kids are pushed too hard in sports, and not enough in academics- let them be smart, and play the sport they want to play. Soccer is fun, it's easy to pick up, and anyone can do it (even just for fun).
I'm forced to like my family, but I've kind of picked up how NOT to raise a family through these people.
Like me? I'll NEVER raise my kids around religion, it's too complicated, and if I do raise them around religion- it'll be Buddhism.
But don't get me wrong, I love my family beyond belief, but... we're all flawed, and you can often learn from other peoples' flaws. Like me? I'm the biggest procrastinator you'll ever meet, and I can be quite shy at times.
Is your family fucked?
- Josh
Most of my imediate family is twisted like me (humorwise), with the exception of two- my Aunt Beth, and my Aunt Amy.
I'll go into a bit of detail on each, just as a glimpse.
1. My Aunt Beth.
My aunt Beth and her family are hardcore Christians who homeschool their children, drive GM trucks, and hunt at a consistent basis.
Three or four things I'm highly opposed to.
- Christianity is a slippery slope of tyranny that you have to be careful with, because when people like the WBC get near it- they give the rest of you Christians a bad name, but this is a subject for another blog.
- Homeschooling your children because you're afraid of them getting social interaction and experiencing the world out there is very painful and it'll probably make the two kids socially awkward down the line.
- GM and it's affiliates pollute the air constantly and it bothers the shit out of me.
- Hunting is destroying ANIMALS. When you try to argue this point with a person they say "Well, they're over-polluted, we have to keep their population down"... FUCK YOU. Humans are over-populated, get the fuck off of your fat wife and we won't need to hunt a poor animal, fucking masochistic-neo-psychopaths.
2. My Aunt Amy
Ah, this side of the family. My aunt Amy is essentially fucking her kids up for life. Her husband (my uncle Bill) raises their kids in a very pseudo-militaristic atmosphere. He makes the two boys play football, and their daughter play softball... The best part is, one of the sons and the daughter want to play Soccer, and he fucking hates it.
He's SO anti-soccer that it's just funny. He calls it a "bitch sport", for "girls"- yeah, because a bunch of guys huddled together touching balls isn't gay.
Those kids are pushed too hard in sports, and not enough in academics- let them be smart, and play the sport they want to play. Soccer is fun, it's easy to pick up, and anyone can do it (even just for fun).
I'm forced to like my family, but I've kind of picked up how NOT to raise a family through these people.
Like me? I'll NEVER raise my kids around religion, it's too complicated, and if I do raise them around religion- it'll be Buddhism.
But don't get me wrong, I love my family beyond belief, but... we're all flawed, and you can often learn from other peoples' flaws. Like me? I'm the biggest procrastinator you'll ever meet, and I can be quite shy at times.
Is your family fucked?
- Josh
Wednesday, May 7, 2008
Shining here.
Good morning folks,
It's 9:07 AM here, and I'm chilling out- listening to The Slackers; which I never really liked, but it turns out I just never really gave them a chance.
Ah yesterday.
It was... well, I'll give you the headlines (in a time oriented order):
3:00 PM - Left the house and I saw Sam driving by, she picked me up and dropped me off at the park as Nolan was pulling in with his truck.
5:00 PM - Charlee showed up, and we talked for a bit.
5:30 - Charlee, Charlie, Cameron, and I- walked to Circle K; when Chris Wallum showed up.
7:00 PM - I decided to pull the best prank EVER.
For some reason, everyone was just throwing rocks. Charlie and Chris were in the skatepark, and they were bitching (which I was one of the only ones not really throwing rocks).
Well- here's what happened:
Dom: Fuck you Bennett!
Cam: Yeah, fuck you!
Me: Hey- Dom can make fun of me, you can't!
Cam: Why? Because he's black?!
Me: No, because he doesn't suck at life (kiddish, I know, I did it on purpose).
Cam: Well, at least I'm not a dropout! (referring to ECOT being the dropouts last chance to graduate).
Me: What the fuck?! Fuck you!
And I stormed away. EVERYONE thought I was serious. Everyone thought I was boiling with rage, and pissed off. It was GREAT. A few even came up and asked if everything was cool, god it was fantastic.
Well, I get home and I IM Cameron and just say "That was the best prank... EVER", he was surprised I wasn't pissed, fuck it was great.
I can't do those pranks too often though, or get the rage I had in my body like that.
It was fantastic.
It's 9:07 AM here, and I'm chilling out- listening to The Slackers; which I never really liked, but it turns out I just never really gave them a chance.
Ah yesterday.
It was... well, I'll give you the headlines (in a time oriented order):
3:00 PM - Left the house and I saw Sam driving by, she picked me up and dropped me off at the park as Nolan was pulling in with his truck.
5:00 PM - Charlee showed up, and we talked for a bit.
5:30 - Charlee, Charlie, Cameron, and I- walked to Circle K; when Chris Wallum showed up.
7:00 PM - I decided to pull the best prank EVER.
For some reason, everyone was just throwing rocks. Charlie and Chris were in the skatepark, and they were bitching (which I was one of the only ones not really throwing rocks).
Well- here's what happened:
Dom: Fuck you Bennett!
Cam: Yeah, fuck you!
Me: Hey- Dom can make fun of me, you can't!
Cam: Why? Because he's black?!
Me: No, because he doesn't suck at life (kiddish, I know, I did it on purpose).
Cam: Well, at least I'm not a dropout! (referring to ECOT being the dropouts last chance to graduate).
Me: What the fuck?! Fuck you!
And I stormed away. EVERYONE thought I was serious. Everyone thought I was boiling with rage, and pissed off. It was GREAT. A few even came up and asked if everything was cool, god it was fantastic.
Well, I get home and I IM Cameron and just say "That was the best prank... EVER", he was surprised I wasn't pissed, fuck it was great.
I can't do those pranks too often though, or get the rage I had in my body like that.
It was fantastic.
Sunday, May 4, 2008
Cut the crap
Good afternoon readers, tis I- Josh of Bennett!
So, I ended up NOT posting last night like I intended, so my apologies to anyone who looked forward to that (pun). So, two things are on my mind right now- but I have to ignore the one until later (because it deals with religion, and it'll be quite lengthy, and therefore deserves it's own post).
To the story.
Cam and I leave, walk around- come back, and I feel fine.
I just thought it was really dumb and quite immature to just talk shit about a person in front of their friends, it may not be a big deal to you- but that's a pretty coward move. If I have a problem with a person- I tell them, and I say it to their face, or I just say "Yeah, I'm not really cool with them", or "I don't really get along with them", I don't get descriptive and call them a bitch.
It was just dumb bullshit to me- don't be such a fucking coward, and don't stand up for your First Amendment.
Oh well.
Forgive and forget.
- Josh.
So, I ended up NOT posting last night like I intended, so my apologies to anyone who looked forward to that (pun). So, two things are on my mind right now- but I have to ignore the one until later (because it deals with religion, and it'll be quite lengthy, and therefore deserves it's own post).
To the story.
I was sitting at a picnic table outside the skatepark with Cameron, Katie, Trevor, Casey (Trevor's girlfriend), and someone I didn't know.
For those readers that don't know me personally, Trevor is a loud-mouth who often says the dumbest shit in the universe.We were all sitting at the table when Trevor points to a name on the table "Katlyn", the name of my good friend.
He goes "who spells their name that way?"
Katie says "Well, she does." (Katie is one of Katlyn's best friend)
Trevor then retorts "Well, she's a bitch and I don't like her."
That was the opening of an argument I started.... just keep reading:
Me: Yeah, you didn't really need to say that. She's my friend.
Trevor: I don't care.
Me: Alright man, I'm just saying- she's one of my friends and It's really unnecessary to talk shit about a person in front of their friends.
Trevor: Well, whatever- I'll say what I want.
By this time; Cameron had shown me something on his phone that was a part of the argument, and Katie was watching intently and appeared to be a mite scared, and Trevor and I are screaming across the table at each other.
So, the argument continues;
Casey: Yeah, let's just yell, that's manly and that'll solve all the problems.
Me: I'm just saying- don't talk shit about a person in front of their friends.
(Cameron has now thrown his keys at Trevor and hit him in the chest, hard).
So, the argument continues until Trevor goes into defending the first amendment when I'm ready to jump over the table and punch him in the fucking face; Cameron interjects and says he and I should go for a walk before I kill Trevor.
Cam and I leave, walk around- come back, and I feel fine.
I just thought it was really dumb and quite immature to just talk shit about a person in front of their friends, it may not be a big deal to you- but that's a pretty coward move. If I have a problem with a person- I tell them, and I say it to their face, or I just say "Yeah, I'm not really cool with them", or "I don't really get along with them", I don't get descriptive and call them a bitch.
It was just dumb bullshit to me- don't be such a fucking coward, and don't stand up for your First Amendment.
Oh well.
Forgive and forget.
- Josh.
Saturday, May 3, 2008
Poor managing skills.
Good (early) evening friends,
It's me- Josh.
I'm listening to "Common" right now, and thinking about a few things.
As for today, probably nothing will happen. I'll go to the park, and find that no one else is there, which will delight me, and discomfort me. I'll sit on a bench and probably come home. After I come home, I'll sit online for the remainder of the night, whoring myself to the Myspace audience.
Good times.
SO- I've realized that I have VERY poor managing skills with my blog.
I want to make the "I Hate Everything" into a running series on here, but I lack the initiative to keep up with some/any schedule. I just write when I feel like it, and I can't really control that.
I also haven't posted ANY album reviews in quite a while, but I think I might start doing that again.
Odds are, later tonight I'll write a bit lengthier post detailing schedules and stuff, and hopefully I'll stick to the schedule.
It's me- Josh.
I'm listening to "Common" right now, and thinking about a few things.
As for today, probably nothing will happen. I'll go to the park, and find that no one else is there, which will delight me, and discomfort me. I'll sit on a bench and probably come home. After I come home, I'll sit online for the remainder of the night, whoring myself to the Myspace audience.
Good times.
SO- I've realized that I have VERY poor managing skills with my blog.
I want to make the "I Hate Everything" into a running series on here, but I lack the initiative to keep up with some/any schedule. I just write when I feel like it, and I can't really control that.
I also haven't posted ANY album reviews in quite a while, but I think I might start doing that again.
Odds are, later tonight I'll write a bit lengthier post detailing schedules and stuff, and hopefully I'll stick to the schedule.
Friday, May 2, 2008
Mr. Moustache
Good morning friends and readers,
I woke up this morning at 6 or so- and it was actually nice and bright out, I fell back asleep and woke up around 9AM and it was all dark and shabby.
I don't really mind it though, I've got some music going, I'll feel good and preoccupy myself today. I'm actually listening to "The Mars Volta", good fucking band.
I'm not really a psychedelic fan, but TMV is a great band in my opinion. They know how to write a groovy album, I'd even go as far to say that they are the modern day Pink Floyd (though Pink Floyd is still playing, but it's not THE Pink Floyd, to me at least).
So yesterday was groovy for two reasons.
1. I'm going with George (and possibly/probably Lauren) to see RANCID in Michigan, so that's gonna be the highlight of my lifetime.
2. My friend Adam got into an altercation with some guy and the cops showed up at the park.
Adam was on his bike and he was riding back up to the skate park, and in town there is this gravel path, about 10 ft. wide that stretches from one parking lot to the other, and in between the two there is the playground, concession stand, skate park, and some other things. Adam was riding his bike through these orange cones that were placed near the concession stand when a guy grabs him by the handlebars of his bike, and as many people would- Adam yelled at the guy.
Adam started cursing at the guy, and the guy threatened to kick Adam's ass. Adam is a skinny, scrawny 16 year old kid.
The guy had a moustache and he was well into his 30's.... It wouldn't have exactly been a fair fight.
Well, Adam got away and Mr. Moustache called the cops. When the cops came they took Adam's name down, and went off to another cop car- that's right, TWO COP CARS showed up here to scare a little kid.
Adam, Frankie, and I went down to where the cop was to tell him that the guy threatened to fight Adam and this is what went down.
(We walked up to the officers who were saying "none of these damn kids respect anything")
Adam: Hey, I forget to add in- He threatened to kick my ass.
Mr. Moustache: Well you were mfing me.
Cop: He has the right to defend himself just as you do.
Me: So this is the legal system, haha.
We walk away and Adam leaves a bit later. Frankie and I are walking by the stand when Mr. Moustache calls us over, he talks to us and then he adds in at the end:
Tell your friend when he's 18 to come back here and I'll rip him apart and throw him in the dumpster.
We told Adam, and last I heard- his mom is pressing charges.
Act like an asshole, get treated like an asshole.
Good times, I guess.
- Josh
I woke up this morning at 6 or so- and it was actually nice and bright out, I fell back asleep and woke up around 9AM and it was all dark and shabby.
I don't really mind it though, I've got some music going, I'll feel good and preoccupy myself today. I'm actually listening to "The Mars Volta", good fucking band.
I'm not really a psychedelic fan, but TMV is a great band in my opinion. They know how to write a groovy album, I'd even go as far to say that they are the modern day Pink Floyd (though Pink Floyd is still playing, but it's not THE Pink Floyd, to me at least).
So yesterday was groovy for two reasons.
1. I'm going with George (and possibly/probably Lauren) to see RANCID in Michigan, so that's gonna be the highlight of my lifetime.
2. My friend Adam got into an altercation with some guy and the cops showed up at the park.
Adam was on his bike and he was riding back up to the skate park, and in town there is this gravel path, about 10 ft. wide that stretches from one parking lot to the other, and in between the two there is the playground, concession stand, skate park, and some other things. Adam was riding his bike through these orange cones that were placed near the concession stand when a guy grabs him by the handlebars of his bike, and as many people would- Adam yelled at the guy.
Adam started cursing at the guy, and the guy threatened to kick Adam's ass. Adam is a skinny, scrawny 16 year old kid.
The guy had a moustache and he was well into his 30's.... It wouldn't have exactly been a fair fight.
Well, Adam got away and Mr. Moustache called the cops. When the cops came they took Adam's name down, and went off to another cop car- that's right, TWO COP CARS showed up here to scare a little kid.
Adam, Frankie, and I went down to where the cop was to tell him that the guy threatened to fight Adam and this is what went down.
(We walked up to the officers who were saying "none of these damn kids respect anything")
Adam: Hey, I forget to add in- He threatened to kick my ass.
Mr. Moustache: Well you were mfing me.
Cop: He has the right to defend himself just as you do.
Me: So this is the legal system, haha.
We walk away and Adam leaves a bit later. Frankie and I are walking by the stand when Mr. Moustache calls us over, he talks to us and then he adds in at the end:
Tell your friend when he's 18 to come back here and I'll rip him apart and throw him in the dumpster.
We told Adam, and last I heard- his mom is pressing charges.
Act like an asshole, get treated like an asshole.
Good times, I guess.
- Josh
Thursday, May 1, 2008
Josh Bennett hates EVERYTHING.
Good morning dear readers- tis I!
I'm sitting around right now, kind of ignoring my world studies class on the other window.
I was just listening to Jim Norton's "Monster Rain" special, the guy is just insane and hilarious.
He talks about getting blown by a tranny, and then deciding just to finish in his mouth anyways.
Good stuff.
He's not one of those hack-ass comedians like Carlos Mencia, or Dane Cook.
Fuck do I hate those two.
Those two are worse than Jeff Foxworthy, Larry the Cable Guy, and Bill Engvall all at once.
(I like Ron White, he's a drunk... I relate)
I can think of NO reason why anyone finds Dane Cook funny.
He's a hack, he's in it for the money, that's it!
I mean why would you watch Dane Cook when you have Louis CK, Patton Oswald, Nick Swardson, Bob Saget, Demetri Martin Bill Hicks, Steve Martin, Richard Pryor, Lenny Bruce, Brian Poeshn, Mike Birbiglia, Jim Norton, Mitch Hedburg, Eddie Izzard, Billy Connolly, and so many others.
I got into many arguments with Christina (the ex-girlfriend/friend) about her love of Dane Cook, and every it came up that she liked him... a little part of me died inside, fucking seriously.
Alright, come on- Eddie Izzard is the fucking man. He's a cross-dressing British guy who talks about greek mythology in his act... It's just fucking genius.
Just because they play it on Comedy Central... it doesn't mean it's always good!
I just fucking hate the guy, he even stole material from one of the greatest around now; Louis CK.
Watch below:
Not enough? What about Demetri Martin?
How about Steve Martin?
His voice even makes me cringe.
I'm serious, he's the biggest hack out there.
It's only 14 - 20 year old girls, and guys who've never heard REAL comedy.
Watch the following clip and tell me if you laugh, AT ALL.
God I hate him.
Here's a clip for redemption.
Everyone- the great Billy Connolly
A legend, a serious legend.
In ten years- no one will remember Dane Cook, stupid entertainment for stupid people as far as I'm concerned.
- Josh.
I'm sitting around right now, kind of ignoring my world studies class on the other window.
I was just listening to Jim Norton's "Monster Rain" special, the guy is just insane and hilarious.
He talks about getting blown by a tranny, and then deciding just to finish in his mouth anyways.
Good stuff.
He's not one of those hack-ass comedians like Carlos Mencia, or Dane Cook.
Fuck do I hate those two.
Those two are worse than Jeff Foxworthy, Larry the Cable Guy, and Bill Engvall all at once.
(I like Ron White, he's a drunk... I relate)
I can think of NO reason why anyone finds Dane Cook funny.
He's a hack, he's in it for the money, that's it!
I mean why would you watch Dane Cook when you have Louis CK, Patton Oswald, Nick Swardson, Bob Saget, Demetri Martin Bill Hicks, Steve Martin, Richard Pryor, Lenny Bruce, Brian Poeshn, Mike Birbiglia, Jim Norton, Mitch Hedburg, Eddie Izzard, Billy Connolly, and so many others.
I got into many arguments with Christina (the ex-girlfriend/friend) about her love of Dane Cook, and every it came up that she liked him... a little part of me died inside, fucking seriously.
Alright, come on- Eddie Izzard is the fucking man. He's a cross-dressing British guy who talks about greek mythology in his act... It's just fucking genius.
Just because they play it on Comedy Central... it doesn't mean it's always good!
I just fucking hate the guy, he even stole material from one of the greatest around now; Louis CK.
Watch below:
Not enough? What about Demetri Martin?
How about Steve Martin?
His voice even makes me cringe.
I'm serious, he's the biggest hack out there.
It's only 14 - 20 year old girls, and guys who've never heard REAL comedy.
Watch the following clip and tell me if you laugh, AT ALL.
God I hate him.
Here's a clip for redemption.
Everyone- the great Billy Connolly
A legend, a serious legend.
In ten years- no one will remember Dane Cook, stupid entertainment for stupid people as far as I'm concerned.
- Josh.
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